Wednesday, August 19, 2015

And now for Wednesday

Gage had a great day, no joke. Has had no pain all day, eating well,  taken his medicine, no vomiting, good attitude, long walks, and went to school and play room. The ONLY issue is that !@#$ chest tube.  It is still draining to much for them to take it out.  No saying how long this could go on. Days? Weeks? More?  As long as the chest tube drain, he can't leave.  They are adding some diuretics to see if they can get him to pee off some of this fluid.  He is definitely a peein', but the tube keep a drainin'.

Sierra had an echo and clinic appointment today.  She is still doing well.  They have rescheduled her biopsy for this Monday.  We are hoping Gage is out by then, so we can all leave for Oregon after Sierra's biopsy.  If he is not out by then, we may rethink our plans.  Maybe Sierra and I will head home to prepare for school and Stacy and Gage will stay here.  This is NOT our first option, we would all rather go home together.

My mother is doing a great job with our kids back home.  They had orthodontist appointments, volleyball practice, horse riding, house cleaning, and other general 'Grandma' activities. Thanks Mom!  We couldn't do this without you.  Wish we could be home to help where needed.

Good to see Tracy, Shannon, Maryalice, and other friends from the Lindsey days.

As they say in Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming..."
 Magic show on the 3rd floor.  Gage got to help with the tricks.  It was a fun show for the hospital kids.
 The trick Gage helped with was the one where he writes his name on a $5 bill, and somehow it ends up in the middle of a lemon.  I have seen this before and still not sure how he pulled it off.

Good friend and Nurse Practitioner from the beginning, Jen Schek
Take a good look at this.  This is a demo of the new Heart Ware.  This is what is replacing the Berlin Heart.  The pump, sitting on the red bag, is attached directly to the heart inside the body, with the black wire coming out of the skin to the external motor and battery pack which is carried in a bag.  We wanted to see this to prepare ourselves for what my be our new partner in this journey.

 Our new friends, the Quinns, brought Gage a couple of jars of Wisconsin dill pickles.  He is excited for that.  Thank you.
 The $5 trick??
And Sierra getting set up for her trick


  1. Yay. Sounds like you'll be going home soon. Praying for no drainage!

  2. I know, y'all need a set of clones so you can be in CA and OR at the same time! We love you guys and so glad to hear the pain is gone. That new device looks a lot handier than the Berlin. They probably had to redesign it because Lindsey Lou wore the wheels off hers. See you soon! Praying for a dry tube and a zero dance! Love, Phil and Judy

  3. HeartMate was the more dominate choice at our hospital, but some had the HeartWare. My Son had a HeartMate, twice. Kept clotting them off. That's how he ended up getting his transplant quicker, no other option.

  4. Oh, yeah... keep on improving, Gage!

  5. There he is! Love the pic with his pickles.
