Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday, Day 6

Six days post surgery and he is improving everyday.  He feels better, no pain, eating morer, goes to school, getting his goofy personality on, BUT the chest tube is still draining.  The rule is it can only drain 60 mls in a 24 hour period.  Right now he draining about 100 mls.

I was able to get some computer/office work done, Sierra went to school and hung out with Nori, and Stacy spent some time at the RMH being a mother.

Had some good friends from the 'Lindsey' days come by for a visit.  It was very nice of them to come by, visit and bring some food.

Basically we are all doing fine, just really missing our kids back home.

Gage and his friends showing off the Lego airplane
 Stacy and Gage working on a Lego plane

Time for a dressing change
Brings back all kinds of good memories


  1. He doesnt look to happy about that dressing change but loois pretty proud if that plane.

  2. So happy to see Gage smiling and feeling better. Let's hope the chest tube comes out and you all can head home. Prayers, jennifer
