Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday report

Gage ended the day a little better than the day before, but it took all day to get there.  His chest tube is still in.  The drainage from the tube has to be less that 60 ml over a 24 hour period, he is still over 100 ml's, so the chest tube stays in.  The tube seems to be the source of the pain, discomfort, nausea / vomiting, lack of appetite, continued stay in the hospital, and feeling absolutely crummy.  The idea is when they drop the chest tube, he will perk up enough to get us out of here.  Still watching him close for heart failure.  Took a few walks, visited the hospital school, played around in the Sobrato room, walked briefly outside in the court yard, and comforted him the best we could.

Stacy and I have been tag teaming staying with Gage as he slowly improves. Hopefully he has a good night.  Good to have many of our awesome nurses from 3 West.  Staying here sure reminds us of the good ole days back in 2012 and 2013.  It's crazy, but I have enjoyed the time I have been able to spend with my wife.  She is such a good mother.

Thank you Diana and Kevin Murphy.  They took Sierra with them to Santa Cruz for the day.  Sierra had a great day, she would have gone nuts wondering the halls of LPCH.  She is VERY excited to go home.  She keeps saying if Gage is not released, she will drive, fly, or even hitchhike to Oregon, but she is matter what!!!!

Just talked to Stacy, they had to give him some oxycodone. He was screaming out in pain and they just ran out of options. He is sleeping now, hopefully it stays that way for the night.

Here is to a good night.


  1. Hope he got a good night's rest and continues to improve.

  2. I hope he had a good night. Nothing will make a mother cry inside like a child in pain. You guys are awesome parents.

  3. I hope he had a good night. Nothing will make a mother cry inside like a child in pain. You guys are awesome parents.

  4. Gage, you are looking good (especially when you have that cute smile on)!! So excited to see you soon. We love you and your precious family so much.

  5. Poor guy. Praying they get that chest tube out today.

  6. Hoping Gage gets the drainage tube out soon. Prayers from upstate New York.

  7. I am so sorry that Gage is still not feeling good. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Hope the drainage tube comes out soon. Gage, hope you get a good night's rest.

  8. I am so sorry that Gage is still not feeling good. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Hope the drainage tube comes out soon. Gage, hope you get a good night's rest.
