Sunday, August 16, 2015

Better day, but don't ask Gage

Sunday was a better day for Gage, but don't ask him.  We were able to get him on 4 walks kickin' and screaming, mostly screaming. We used a fun little buggy car to get him out, but mostly it was just pull him off the bed and start the walk.  Sierra and I went to church while Stacy stayed with him. Chest tube is still in and draining, grrr.  It's just draining to much to be removed.  For now they are sticking with the chest tube and major surgery as the cause of the pain and discomfort, NOT heart failure.  But they are still watching him close.  His belly pain and nauseous has backed way off since they stopped some of the major pain killers.  So, for now, they are only using Tylenol and ibprophin for pain.

He has eaten a little bit, a very little bit, like 4-5 bits all day, but that is 4-5 bites more than the last 2 days.

Having said all this, he is still VERY miserable.  We still haven't seen the Gage personality we all know and love.

All in all, he is doing better, but don't ask him.


  1. “Dear Heavenly Father, I entrust this dear child to You as he suffers pain from surgery. Lord, I know Gage is uncomfortable as he tries to rest. I also know that rest is so important to get beyond this minor sickness and to avoid progression to something more serious. Please give him the rest that he needs. Lord, I lift Gage up to You and know that You will perform Your perfect will for his recovery. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen”

  2. Bless his heart. Pains me to see him hurt.

  3. Hope he turns a major corner today. He is a brave little guy!

  4. Our thoughts are with you all. Hoping things get easier soon.
    Ask child life for a Galimoto. We used one to get Aiden up and walking after his third surgery and then another boy down the hall used it to get up and walking.
    We donated a few to child life a few months back so hopefully they still have some.

  5. Hoping Gage keeps improving and tomorrow will be a little better too! Sending prayers from Central New York.
