Sunday, August 16, 2015

Rough day

Gage had a rough day, as did his parents. Doctors never could get control of his pain, honestly he was miserable all day. He has been vomiting, eating nothing, at times needed some oxygen, and puffy in the face and belly.  He took a couple of very small walks, like 10-15 feet, but that was it. Only time he smiled was for the camera.   Hopefully they can take the chest tube out today.   They did take out a few IV, and moved him up to 3 West.

Doctors are throwing around a couple of ideas, 
1)  Maybe the heavy pain killers is making him nauseous and vomiting, so they held the heavy pain meds last night to see if that helps with he belly.  This is what they are hoping is the problem.
2)  Chest tube.  The chest tube is always a huge discomfort to kids.  Hopefully they can get that out today!  That will definitely help. 
3)  Heart failure. This is the one Stacy and I fear the most. With the already weakening heart, advancing cardiomyopathy, and the stress of the surgery his heart is struggling to recover.  If we all remember, signs of heart failure that both Sierra and Lindsey had were vomiting, belly pain, no appetite, need for oxygen, swollen face and belly, no energy, weakening kidney's etc etc etc.  Stuff we are way to familiar with.  Then to hear the monitors go off, nurses looking concerned then going out into the hall to talk softly with doctors.Hopefully it just takes Gage a bit longer to recover, but still recover.

Remember, this surgery did NOT help his heart in anyway.  It was done ONLY to rescue him in the event of and life threatening V-tach.  He still has the same ole advancing heart problems 

There were several times yesterday I needed to go for a walk and make a few phone calls to get my mind of the stress.  Stacy stayed with Gage last night, haven't heard how the night went.  Sierra and I came back here to the RMH.  

So glad Sierra went with the church youth group to go white water rafting.  She was gone all day and had a blast.  Thanks for including her.

Sorry for the 'doom and gloom', but this Dad keeping it real. We will pull through this, we always have, and we will this time. Keep the faith, keep the prayer, hug your kids, be grateful.

We have been watching the fires in Eastern Oregon, unbelievable!  Feel so bad for farmers and ranchers who are loosing livestock and property. Thoughts and prayers.

Again, the pictures tell the story of the day....


  1. Poor little thing. I pray things will get better.

  2. Poor little thing. I pray things will get better.

  3. Poor little guy. It will get better soon Praying

  4. Praying in South Bend, IN!

  5. Sounds like a brutal and horrible day. I am hoping Gage turns the corner today and he is starting to feel better. He did have major surgery so pain and nausea is to be expected. Praying that he gets his appetite back and starts smiling his beautiful smile soon. Thank you again for the update. Praying for all of you from Central New York.

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  6. A virtual hug and a special Prayer.
    Thanks for posting Dad.

  7. Praying for Gage and your whole family - hoping you can all be together back in Oregon soon!

  8. We are praying for that sweet boy to feel better soon. That would be very hard to handle as a parent. He's such a cutie. I remember when Stacy was expecting him and I was expecting our oldest at the same time. You guys are an inspiration!

  9. It seems so ridiculously unfair that one family should have to go through SO much. You seem to handle it all with incredible grace and positivity. You are an example to many of how to best handle trials and hardships. Prayers and love for all of you!
