Monday, July 13, 2015

Tooth Fairy Found Us

To Gage's great satisfaction, the tooth fairy found us.  Sodas are 25 scents here at the RMH.  He is always wanting to buy them.  I told him he had his own quarter now and he could save it or use it to buy a soda.  He was very excited that he could use his quarter from the tooth fairy to buy his own soda.  Friday we were eating our dinner outside, and Gage comes out with a soda from the machine.  He is grinning from ear to ear.  I figured he must have used his tooth fairy money.  Low and behold to my surprise,  I was counting up his tooth fairy money and there was still a bright shiny quarter in there.  He had gotten his quarter out of my purse.  What a little sneaker. Fortunately for him he had soda two nights in a row with his dinner.  He used his quarter the following night.

Friday Sierra had clinic with the transplant team.  This is just a check in with the doctors.  There was really nothing to report.  They adjusted some medications, but that was about it.  We asked what the earliest they would let us go home, if she continued to do so well, they told us 2 months post transplant.  It is hard to believe she is at her month mark this week.  She is just doing so amazing.  We decided that another week here would be fine.  Her driving skills have GREATLY improved driving around here in California.  Her driving test should be a breeze by the time she gets home.

Saturday we got to spend the day with our dear friends, the Thornton's. We met them at Half Moon Bay.  It was absolutely gorgeous over there.  Usually it is gray, windy and chilly.  But, Saturday we couldn't have asked for better weather. It was sunny, with a light breeze and perfect for playing in the sand and enjoying some sun and awesome company.  Ben received his heart transplant the same day as Sierra in 2006.  He is doing great as far as his heart is concerned.  He is at 6 month biopsies and minimal medications.  He looks and acts great.  He was on the Berlin for 52 days, I believe (?).  He was 4 at the time. Somewhere between being on the Berlin and the transplant something happened near his spinal cord that left him in a wheel chair.  He is an amazing kid and has certainly not let this stop him.  He plays wheelchair basketball and is really good at it.  We get to go and see one of his tournaments in August.  We are really excited to see him play. We love this family so much and it was great to spend the day with them.  WE REALLY NEEDED THE OUTING!!

Saturday evening our friend Angie was released to go home.  So, she left and went back to Idaho Falls.  Yesterday morning our friends the Blanchard's headed home back to Seattle.  We will miss these families.  We have made some fun memories with them, but are so glad they get to be back at home.

This week Sierra will have her last weekly biopsy, with the 13 hour IVIG infusion to follow.  We get to see Jason and Megan in a couple weeks and are really excited to see them.
Gage with his tooth fairy money. 

Too much fun tuckered them right out! 

Ty Blanchard with the kids. 

Cute Samuel who is doing great and Marcus on the left.

All the Blanchard clan but Ty and Mark (the dad).


  1. What? Idaho Falls people? Who? I need them. 😉😂. I'm glad everything is going so well, but don't head home before August 18....we want to see you!

  2. Gage looks so cute. Glad everything is going fine. The water looks fabulous. Cute pictures.

  3. Positive postings make me happy! God Bless!
