Friday, July 17, 2015

Smoring RMH Style

I won't keep you in suspense, Sierra's biopsy this week was another 1A.  As close to zero as you can get.  She had her last IV infusion of IVIG.  This is to ensure that all antibodies are gone that may attack the heart.  It is a LONG 13 hour infusion.  We should get her results back by next week, if they are negative,  she will not have to do anymore IVIG.  We look forward to that.  This morning we had clinic with the doctors.  There was really nothing to report.  She is looking great, eating great and all her labs and vitals seem stable.  They could very well let us go at her 2 month mark which would be the 17th of August.

Enough of a boring report, on to what we have been up to.  The kids are missing home and especially the fun summer stuff we get to do.  In our yard at home we have a fire pit.  At LEAST once every summer, we have a hot dog roast and smores.  So, Sierra and I put our creative juices together (okay Pinterest) and found a way to have smores.  Behind the RMH is a big rope swing, which we have posted pictures of before.  The kids wanted to go and hang out down there.  So, we thought it the perfect opportunity to have smores in a riverbed covered in rocks.  Knowing it was probably illegal to have a fire (with the draught and how dry everything is), we found some flammable cans that give a low flame for 4 1/2 hours.  We bought those, some shish-ka-bob sticks  and all the essentials for smores.  After dinner Tuesday, we went to the rope swing and built our "fire."  It was really fun.  It wasn't home, but it will probably be one of our most memorable moments here.

Lindsey has transplant camp next week.  She is very nervous for it.  She hasn't been that far away from home, not knowing anyone, for that amount of time.  I am sure she will have a friend before the bus ride to the camp is over.  I don't think it is in her to stay quiet for a whole hour and a half.  Hunter has a basketball camp here, that will be good for him. Megan has a volleyball camp in Seaside.  Sierra, Gage and I will hang out with Sierra's various activities throughout the week ( clinic, physical therapy and psych).  It will be good to have a busy week for all of us.  Jason and Megan will come down on Saturday the 25th. It will be sooooo good to all be together again.  After Gages appointment on the 28th, Jason will take the younger kids home and Sierra and I will finish out her wait here. Hopefully we will follow behind them a couple weeks later.

Our friend Alex came and joined us. 

Extra rope had been added to the rope swing.  The person also added rocks to help weigh it down to make it easier to toss up to the person waiting for the rope.  Unfortunately, Hunter found out that it hurts if you miss the rope, the rocks can hit you in the face. 

Sierra had her turn on the rope swing as well. 

The younger kids and I walked to the post office yesterday.  While we were coming back, we found a really yummy bakery.  Unfortunately at the bottom of the cup Lindsey is eating, there was a mocha flavored pudding.  She didn't like it that much.  


  1. What a fun idea! Seeing all these pictures makes me miss you! We are so grateful Sierra continues to heal well.
    Aunt G & JT

  2. I marvel at what an amazing Mom you are, Stacy! So looking forward to having you all home!

  3. Love the pics you take following your family. What strength you all have even when the news isnt what you want to hear. I wish I was as strong as you are. Ive followed you for some time and the kuds are certainly growing.

  4. What Ronda didn't tell you is one summer it was really dry and the kids wanted s'mores. We will tell you when you return about our "s'more" experience to please our sweet tooth. And tell Hunter I went on a rope swing last week and had battle wounds as well. Can't wait to see you in EO hopefully soon!

  5. Can't believe her arms are strong enough to hold onto a rope swing, so soon after having her chest opened.
