Thursday, July 9, 2015

Great Results

We have the results of Sierra and Lindsey's biopsies back.  We will start with Lindsey. This was Lindsey's first time going 6 months between biopsies. Her Pressures were great and her coronary arteries looked normal. All great news. Her biopsy was a ZERO rejection!! She is doing great.

Sierra's Pressures were lower her pressure went from 22 to 15. The docs are not surprised, newly transplanted hearts take a little bit for the pressures to come down. They are, however,  headed in the right direction. Sierra's rejection results were a 1A. Not a perfect 0, but as close to 0 as you can get. We are very happy and feeling very blessed with both results. Sierra will have her last weekly biopsy next week and then she goes to every other week. Lindsey will be back in 6 months for hers.

In the mean time,  the kids and I found a new Park that they have really enjoyed. While Sierra was hanging out with a friend today,  we snuck in a bike ride and tried a new ice cream spot. It was delicious!

Gage FINALLY lost his first tooth. The kids were playing on the slide and Hunter "accidently" ran into him on the slide. This knocked him forward, he hit his lip and tooth on the slide. Poof!! Tooth out. Once he calmed down from seeing the blood. He was pretty excited. He has even brushed it 3 times to make sure it was clean enough to leave under his pillow.

Clinic for Sierra tomorrow to check in with the doctors. That's it for now. On a side note,  Sierra received an awesome heart necklace that had both her transplant anniversaries on it. We thought we knew who it was from,  but found out it was the wrong person. So,  Thank you to whom ever sent that awesome gift.

 Sierra before staples were taken out.

 Sierra after staples are out.

 Sierra still has a healthy appetite.


  1. Sounds like a good day
    Gage, I think the tooth fairy will be very impressed with that clean shinny tooth. -Kay

  2. Great news for the girls. Hope the tooth fairy remembers to come!
