Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, Her first walk

In the last 24 hours, Sierra has continued to move in the right direction.  Right now I am looking at 8 IV's, but the doses have been dropped considerably.  Looking to drop many of the drips today.  Sierra wants them gone!  Also looking to drop 2 painful chest tubs.  Before we can do any of this, she needs to go on a small walk to hopeful loosen up any remaining fluid in/around the heart and lungs.  The x-ray is still showing a little fluid on the right side.  The nurse is currently organizing all the equipment, monitors, IV pumps and poles, and O2 for the big convoy.  

Dr Axelrod is the doctor on today, and he is Sierra's biggest advocate.  He still feels very honored we named our dog after him, he even gave us a doggy bone to give our dog.

I will report back on how the walk went.  

 Our good friend, Art. We have known him for 9 years now, since the first transplant.  He came by to spread a little cheer and show some magic tricks.
 Her dressing change from last night.  this is the course of most of the discomfort.  Kinda has that Berlin look.

This is the breathing treatments she gets twice a day.

Walk went very well.   We made one lap around the CVICU.  We had quite a convoy with a loaded IV pole, oxygen tank, and 2 chest tubes.  We even had Jackie tagging along with a chair in case Sierra needed a rest.   She feels good, so we may go on another walk a bit later.

Jackie is a friend Sierra met at a church activity.  He is the one that bought flowers when she was going in for surgery.  He came by today on his long board ( a long skate board) to say hi.  Stacy and Megan just left to go a bit of shopping, and Gage is off swimming with the Thomas'.  So this gives the 3 of us, Sierra, Jackie, and myself, plenty of time to bond.  One of his first questions he asked me was regarding the guns I own.  I joked around about some the elk I have missed and all the target practice I need.  Sierra thought it was funny. (or embarrassing).    



  1. I am so happy to see Sierra make progress everyday! This is SO very encouraging. Also I never tire of seeing Art! What a class act guy right there.
    Good job on your walk Sierra! You help remind me to keep life in perspective and to be grateful for the little things. Keep it up! Love Aunt G

  2. I don't know you guys personally, but I became acquainted with your story through my friend Rochelle Wilhelmsen back when Lindsey was on the Betlin. I have followed your blog ever since. Just wanted to let you know I put Sierra's name on the prayer roll in the Houston Temple today. I'm so impressed with your family and the strength you all show.

  3. Such a beautiful smile. The tattoo looked great. Keep up the process and you'll be home before you know it.
