Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 3, Friday Noonish

This is the morning report, this is the long and the short. (name that movie)
She really did have good afternoon. They seemed to have gotten on top of her pain.  I stayed with her until about midnight last night, but didn't feel like sleeping on the ole' 3 chair combo' if you remember.  We are actually in exact same room Lindsey was in when I was sleeping in the ole' 3 chair combo.  Brings back daunting horrible memories.  The chairs were and still are painfully uncomfortable, especially if trying to sleep.  So after Sierra got somewhat comfortable, I took off to get some real sleep.

When we got back here this morning, she was up in a rocking chair but NOT happy.  I guess she threw up last night and her pain was back.  But whether she knows it or not, she is improving!  The nurse had gotten her up and had her take a few steps, her first real steps since Tuesday evening.  Dr Bernstein came by and said she is about 2 days ahead of schedule.  He said once the chest tubes come out she will feel tons better.

They haven't rounded on her yet, (meaning the doctors have officially come by to make a treatment plan for the day). Only question Stacy and I have is when can they start weaning some of the 10+ IV's and 2 chest tubes.  We did ask about her kidney function, and Bernstein said it is showing signs of improvement.  They are actually performing better than Lindsey's did post op.

Gage is at Michelle Hansen's today playing and swimming.  He was excited about that.  He is definitely a fun kid to have around. Every night we walk home to the RMH he is jumping the cracks in the road so he doesn't get 'shocked' or running down the path looking for 'monsters'.  He sure keeps things light around here.

Megan has been helping Abby with a child day camp.  This is a fundraiser they are doing for EFY.  It will be nice to have her here with her sister, especially as Sierra starts to feel better.

Big thank-you going out to Izzy Black and Ruthy Cook.  They were an excellent example of a small act of kindness and service.  The 2 teenagers came by to give Sierra a henna tattoo.  It really wasn't that big of a deal, but it meant a lot to Sierra Bug.  Thanks much.   FYI, a henna tattoo is where they draw cute little flowers on her arm the it sticks around for about a week.

Sierra is starting to text her friends.... So she must be feeling better.

We feel very blessed. Prayers have been answered.    Again thank you for prayers, love, support, and comments.
That's it for now. Till next time,

Rounds just started....
Bottom line, after all the medical jargon and jibber-jabber, they are going to start weaning some of the meds off and replacing with more long term meds.  They are very pleased where she is at. Chest tubes are still draining so they are not coming out yet,...sorry.  The more she can move around the quicker those tubes will come out. Maybe they can come out this evening or tomorrow.

That is everything I know,


  1. Hand in their. So nice of the girls. I bet it felt good to be pampered a little. Sending prayers.

  2. The actual CVICU rooms were so small and they wouldn't let you sleep in there, but the ICU would.

  3. By the way, she sure is looking good!

  4. Sure happy to see such awesome progress!! Sierra you are one brave girl!
