Thursday, June 18, 2015

1:15 pm, Thursday, Day 2

The 2-3 days after transplant is usually rough on patients, and Sierra is no exception.  She was up most (if not all) last night with chest pain, fluid in/around her lungs, itchy, discomfort, nausea, and just flat out miserable.  She is exhausted but wants to get up.  She has retained a lot of fluid and really needs to pee it off.
They have started to remove some of the hardware, but still have a long ways to go.  They have removed one of the arterial lines from her groin, the foley catheter, and a temperature probe, but that is it.  I am still looking at 10+ IV (they added one for pain I think).  It takes a lot of ports to maintain the IVs, this is the hardware you see in her neck and arms.

She also has 2 chest tubes.  These tubes drain fluid from around the heart, This is causing most of the pain and discomfort!  She is on 3+ liters of O2.  Since she has been laying here and her chest hurts so bad, a lot of fluid has built up in and around her lungs.  With that fluid, it is hard to breath and thus not getting the oxygen she needs.

They were able to get her up and into a chair, that helped with the lungs tremendously, and since the catheter is out, she will have to get out of bed to go potty.  All of that movement will help with the lungs, but it hurts so much to move around with the chest tubes.
Bottom line, she is still flat out miserable!!

1:50, just spent the last 15 minutes helping her get up and use the potty.  It takes 2 nurses and a very helpful father.  Basically I stand there, do what you are told, and look busy.

Earlier Amanda came by to visit.  She had a heart and lung transplant back in the Lindsey era.  She hung out in Lindsey's room, went on many walks with us and was a good friend to have.  Now she is 24, going to college, and doing well.  She was here for clinic so she stopped by to say hi and bring Sierra some treats. All very kind of her.

Gage is going to swimming lessons then to the RMH Day Camp.  Stephanie and Wyatt have been good for him while Stacy and I have been with Sierra.  That is it for now,  Thank you for comments, love, and support.  She will get through this, she knows she will get through this, but oh is she miserable.

Till next time
 Amanda, our good friend from the Lindsey days
 The source of a lot of pain.
 Getting up 
 First real food, not sure she ate any of it.

Alex just came by for a visit. Unfortunately Sierra is getting some real well needed rest. Alex is a good kid who has been though a lot.  We have a lot of respect for him and what he has been through.

       Then Gage at swimming lessons. He was cold and would participate, so the teacher told him to lay in the sun for 15 seconds.


  1. Sierra is such a champion! She really looks amazing even with the amount of pain she is in. God bless all the Binghams. Sending strength and prayers from Oneida, NY.

  2. Sierra,
    You are an amazing inspiration to us all! We are praying for you back here in good ol' EO and can't wait for you to be back polishing up your dancing shoes!

  3. You all continue to amaze me! The amount of strength and faith you show during hard times is so inspiring. Prayers for Sierra and the rest of the family! After Lyndseys surgery I had a necklace made and sent it to her and I would love to do the same for Sierra. I was just wondering where the best place to send it would be... would you get it okay if I just send it to the Ronald Mcdonald House?

  4. I showed Aiden (from Gages class) some of these pictures and told him Sierra was doing well and he jumped up from the table screaming for joy. Aiden wanted me to ask you to please tell Gage he says hi and misses him. We will be praying for you all!
