Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Morning, Fathers Day

Welcome to the greatest day of the year.  This is the day we Dad's have waited for.  Dr Axelrod said this is like Christmas!  Anyway... we are having a great day.  Stacy, Megan and Gage made a nice waffle breakfast with fruit.

Sierra slept good and had no major events. She still has a little pain on her upper right side, but nothing major.  Dr Axelrod and Kaffman rounded just now.  There is still a few fluid pockets around the heart, but nothing they are to concerned about.  Today they are taking out 2 IV ports, (the central line in her neck and arterial line in her arm).  They are also taking out one of the chest tubes, and hopefully taking out the 2nd this afternoon or tomorrow.  ALL good stuff!!  Couldn't ask for a better Fathers Day.

My parents are driving down for a visit with Hunter and Lindsey.  They made it to Reno last night so they should be here any time.  I have great parents!!

Stacy is finished up giving Sierra a well deserved sponge bath.  Sierra is also getting dressed up in nice Sunday attire.  They want her up and moving around most of the day, so she is dressing for the occasion.

showing off her nice necklace from a special family 
 Megan and Sierra on the evening walk.

 Afternoon visit from Jackie.
Mr 'A-real-eous after a fun afternoon at the RMH playroom.

Dr Axelrod showed me a picture of her latest chest x-ray.  Notice the 2 chest tubes that wrap around inside her chest.  Blows me a way the Katz had her chest open enough to place those tubes.  No wonder it hurts to cough.  The tube on our left (her right) is coming out today.  The right one that wraps around her heart may come out this evening or tomorrow.


  1. Wow. That x-ray is a mind opener. Sierra, you are looking SOOO Good!
    Beautiful, shining, light! You have such a glow about you.
    What a great day today is for all of you.
    Happy Father's Day.
    Thanking God for what we get to witness in your family.

  2. You look great Sierra. Enjoy your visit from your grandparents.

  3. Was just showing my husband how amazing she looks, so soon after her surgery... AND SHE CERTAINLY DOES LOOK AMAZING!

  4. Wow what an amazing girl u have and so pretty just like her mom! Sierra you keep up the good work and we will all keep up the prayers!!!-Machele in Vegas
