Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jan 23, Thursday.

9:45, Thursday night.
Swelling still there loud and proud. Stacy talked to Calif and Boise doctors at great length. So.....tomorrow Stacy is taking Sierra in for blood draw and then on to Fruitland for echo.  They will then evaluate her from there and send the echo results on to Stanford.  The Boise doctor told Stacy he thinks it is still a med issue that needs to be balanced.  But Stacy and Sierra are taking extra clothes just in case.  We have been down this road before and have ended up in Calif for testing or treatment or more.  We will see how it goes.  I'm trying not to think about it much. The more I do the more I start to worry and that doesn't do anyone any good.

As for skiing, Lindsey and I are going and Sierra will have to make it up another day. Sorry Bug.

Lindsey won her second volleyball game tonight.  Stacy is the coach. The last match was a nail biter, 31-29. I thought it was dang exciting.

Megan's basketball team plays against Elgin tomorrow. Elgin beat us pretty bad in volleyball and made some snide remarks about playing a smaller school.  Megan wants to thump them good!

Till next time.


  1. Prayers to you all. Prayers that Sierra and Stacy have a successful day. Prayers that your time on the mountain with little Lindsey Lou lifts up your soul. And, I'll try to word it nicely - but I'm with Megan on a thumping. She can show them what small town girls are all about. :) God bless you all!

  2. Sierra continues to be in our prayers. Smart move to be prepared for a trip. You guys are such experts on how to handle situations. We'll keep praying that a med adjustment will be enough. Love, Phil and Judy

  3. Special prayers for Sierra tonight! she makes me smile everyday, she is such a trooper. God bless your family!

  4. Praying for all of you! Sierra is such a sweet girl and I know this is just a little hiccup. Hope tomorrow brings great news and a fun field day! Along with a win against Elgin!

  5. Fingers crossed and more prayers being prayed. Hope it is just meds needing adjustment.

  6. Stacy and Sierra, safe travels - prayers coming your way! Jason - ski hard, release some stress with some solid exercise/play time with Linds....Megan - go for it!

  7. Once again, Thank You for updating! It is so good to know what to pray for! Here's to praying those extra clothes are NOT needed!!!! And I'm with Megan.... go thump 'em! :) Love you!
