Friday, January 24, 2014

Jan 24, Friday, She is home

She had her echo this morning and after a few hours of waiting, both the Calif and Boise doctors reviewed the results.  They are okay with her going home and rechecking in a about a week. Her blood test and echo was unchanged from early January, so they still believe it is medicine adjustments that is causing the swelling.  They really ramped up the dose of her diuretic.  Her kidneys should kick in anytime now.  We are doing daily weights to monitor if the fluid is coming off.  I knew I should not have worried so much. It's just the new norm we need to deal with.

Had a great time skiing.  Lindsey has really improved this year. To top it off, Megan won her game.  So it's been a good day. 

That's it for now. More excitement later, but not today.

Here is Sierra's feet first thing this morning after sleeping all night. She went to the middle school dance last night and was in tears when she got home because her feet hurt so bad.
 This picture was taken this evening.  Notice you can't find the ankle bone.
Sierra getting her blood drawn this morning.  The swelling is in her face, stomach and legs.  She is ready for it to be gone. (that is a picture behind her head not her hair. It just happens to almost match her hair color).


  1. Bless her heart. Hope she levels out soon. Thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thank you for the update! I had to tell myself probably 50 times not to text and ask how everything went! Yay for not needing the extra clothes!!!!

  3. Glad to hear things are looking up, prayers always!
