Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan 31, Friday, Swelling going down

Sierra' swelling has come down. She has lost about 2.5 lbs of fluid. This is about half of what she needs to. Definitely not as bad as it was a week ago, but it is still hangin' around.  She had another echo done yesterday in Baker, and it was unchanged from last week. So all this means we stay the course, Lasix 3 times day, watch her swelling, weight and blood pressure. She looks, acts and feels better too. 

Sierra and Lindsey are up skiing today.  Wish I was there, but I'm not.  Some times that dang day job gets in the way. Megan and Hunter have basketball games this weekend. Lindsey is still playing YMCA volleyball. And Gage is Gage.

Stacy and Lindsey fly out to Calif for biopsy on February 4-5.  It's been 3 months since her last check up and we are hoping for a big fat zero.  She had a 1A last time, so we just have to see. Her puffiness is completely gone! 

Linds also got a hair cut with the schools, 'Locks-of-Love' where they donate their hair.  Pretty cute.  She has also been checked out for braces.  She is going to get braces before Megan, and that ticks Megan off!  I asked Megan is she wanted to switch places with Lindsey. She said she is good with waiting.

That's it for now.
 Lindsey's before picture. 

 The after with her donated hair in a pony tail. 

 Lindsey getting molds made for her brace prep work. Not a fan of the pink goop.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting. Prayers for good reports & swelling to leave completely.
