Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jan 22, Sierra's swelling

Feeling a bit of stress tonight and need to let it out.  It doesn't do my kids any good to see Dad all stressed out so here you go.  Sierra's swelling has not back off and frankly it is getting worse. She is back on her full dose of Lasix and other meds and hopefully, it will kick in and release some of the fluid she is retaining. This evening her feet and legs were swollen and in the mornings her face is very puffy. California knows and is monitoring. She has gained about 7 pounds of fluid in the last 3 weeks. So there you have it. I let it go. Stacy is at work tonight, and I am starting into tax season.   Hopefully I will report in a couple of days that Sierra's swelling has gone down and we are back to normal.  I am hoping to go skiing with Lindsey and Sierra on Friday. One last time for me before we get really busy.  Just have to see. Tonight, I just need to breath, we will be just fine.  As I have told other heart parents, 'It never goes away, the concern is always there.'


  1. My heart goes out to you, the worry is always there. I read once that true happiness and peace can only be found if you live in the moment. Tomorrows worries will be there and to worry about tomorrow is to waste today's peace. Easy for me to say, huh? I hope Friday is awesome and the skiing is the best!! Know that no matter how alone you feel at times, we are all out hear praying every day for you and your family!! God's Love,Dee James

  2. Luke 12:6-7
    Good News Translation (GNT)
    6 “Aren't five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. 7 Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows! Jason, go skiing, breathe the fresh air, laugh, fall down, stand up...feel the sun's warmth. Love and enjoy!!

  3. Share, vent, release whatever ya need to do ANY time! Prayers for all of you. Yes, go skiing, laugh, enjoy the time with your girls. Live in the moment w/ them. They, and you will remember & appreciate it w/ fondness. Stress is there I understand, it's hard to avoid. Making joyful memories are important tho. God Bless Us All.

  4. Love and Prayers being offered and hope for improvement over the weekend. California is monitoring the situation so that is reassuring. Give some time for the full dosage of Lasix to take effect. God Bless, Jennifer Cavanagh

  5. The highs and the lows. Your prayers will be answered- have faith, and have fun with your sweet family. Praying for you. Johanna Anderson

  6. Thoughts and prayers that the swelling is resolved and all is back to "normal" soon.

  7. Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. We are here if you ever need anything. God is good and will see you through all of this. God bless you all. The Vance's
