Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan 14-20, More Sierra Biopsy results

Jan 14,
So Sierra's antibody rejection result came back, it was a 1 :( It was 2 in April 2013 when they started her plasmapheresis.  In May it was a one then in August and November it was a 0. It's not a 2, but it is creeping up again. They are waiting on some Labs and then they will discuss her in their Thursday meeting and decide what to do. Nothing aggressive yet, she will just probably have to go back sooner than later.  Life is good out on here on the prairie, all the kids are involved in various activities.  For the most part we don't think much about the antibody rejection, hopefully we can keep it that way.

Jan 17,
Heard back from Nancy regarding Sierra's last blood antibody test. It came back unchanged. So what does that mean?  After skipping a month of IVIG it didn't go up, that is good. We were surprised to hear they still want to do IVIG ever 2 months (not monthly) and biopsy in 3 months. As conservative as they are, we thought they would want to see her earlier.  As of now, between Sierra, Lindsey and Gage, we are still heading to Calif monthly, so they still might be changing treatment dates to accommodate. 

Fun weekend ahead.  Megan has been invited to PK's birthday party in California.  So she gets to fly out tomorrow and spend the long weekend with some of her Calif friends.  We have games and skiing and life going on.  Work is picking up. Cold here. Need more snow / moisture. Sure glad they found Dale Smith's plane. God bless their family. Till next time.

Jan 19, Sunday
Haven't heard much from Megan. All we know is she is having a great time.  Had a fun 1-2 grade YMCA basketball with Hunter's team. We didn't win, but came dang close. Abigail Cox had the tough job of guarding #11. He was a big kid who was scoring a lot of points. In the 2nd half she shut me down! It was awesome.  
Last bit of lovely, Sierra's swelling is coming back. You can see it in her feet and face. They have cut back her Lasix, but it appears they many have cut back to much. I refuse to get worked up over this! Tomorrow Stacy is calling Calif to review, but we are guessing they will go up on he meds.
Last night as a treat.  For the first time since last June, we watched the Dateline show. It's interesting how we have all avoided watching it, but for some reason, we were all ready to watch it again.  Amazing how all the emotions and feeling came back.  Stacy and I were emotional through many parts of the show. Reminds me how much I don't want to go through that again.

Jan 20, Monday morning.
I won't lie, Sierra's puffiness is back. She woke up with a swollen face and had swollen ankles last night. We increased her Lasix last night, and we are calling California today. We still are not freeking out (yet).  They had turned down her Lasix a week ago or so, and we are thinking we may have dropped them before she was ready.  She has been on Lasix so long maybe her kidneys depend on it. But lets see what Calif says. 
Watched the SF 49er's loose to Seattle.  We were pulling for the Niner's since we had seen them play. But now we are pulling for the local team, the Seahawks!

That's it for now.


  1. Thanks for the updates. As always, prayers for all of you. God Bless Us All.

  2. Boo for swelling!!! Thank You for the updates! It is always good to know what to pray for!!

  3. The Seahawks? Really?? Boo. ;) We think about your family a lot, and hope that this bit with Sierra doesn't get any more serious. That "learning to trust" lesson seems to be such a long, difficult process. Keep your chins up...we're still praying for you!
