Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan 8-12, Biopsy and life

Jan 8, 10:55 am.
Sierra, you have been in biopsy for about 55 minutes. Anytime now, Stacy will call me with results. It's pretty hard to sit in my office in Oregon and work waiting for the Dr. Perry results.  I know we have been down this biopsy road 30-40 times, but each time I get that squirrely little feeling in my stomach, and that demon on my shoulder. I told my mother that I was preparing for an extended stay. If I am truly prepared for that, then any news that you won't be coming home tomorrow won't be a shock.  I'm not being pessimistic, we just understand that just because she looks and acts great, doesn't mean something is going on inside.  We are in good hands.  Time will tell.

11:05 am.
Just received a text from Stacy, "Just came out. All went well. Pressures a little higher than last time BUT still normal."

11:14 am.
Phone call from Stacy. Talked about her visit with Nancy. Possible future IVIG in Baker, need for more exercise, and various meds she is on.  Bernstein came by to visit. Has to go.  More later.

12 noon.
Stacy texts, "Bernstein was not worried at all about Sierra's pressures. He said they are still normal and not to worry about them".  Bernstein is the top dog. What he says goes!  Sierra is now getting her monthly IVIG, will take about 12 hours.

Next day, Jan 9.
Sierra had her 12 hour IVIG. Went well, as usual. They should be flying home today. It's been a bit wild here at our house. We had Lacy and Patience Wick staying with us. That gives us 6 kids on our house and only dear ole Dad to fix dinners and do hair. I welcome Stacy's return.

2:00 pm. Stacy and Sierra just landed in Boise. They are on their way home.
Received message from Calif, Sierra got another 1B. Calif will discuss and decide when to see Sierra again. As always, could be worse, could be better, but we will take it.  By far the BIGGEST issue is when Stacy was going through security in San Jose Airport, they took a small bottle of Australian Vegemite!! I was really looking forward it!  They also took a bottle of Trader Joe's peanut butter.   

Jan 10, Friday morning.  Just like that we are back to normal. Stacy and Sierra are home. Lindsey and Sierra are off to skiing, Megan is off to a basketball game in Cove. Stacy and the boys are home, then to Cove to watch Megan play. I'm at work (and getting busier by the day). Tonight Stacy works, and tomorrow we have games for Hunter, Lindsey, and Megan.  Still love to be home!

Jan 11, Saturday night.
Great day. Lindsey played and won her first volleyball game in Baker, then Megan had a game today in Powder against Joseph, followed by bountiful baskets, and a trip back to Baker for Hunter and I's first 1-2 grader basketball game (now that's wild).  Lots of parents and family cheering on their child.  Funniest line I heard was from the other coach, Todd Chandler, and the top of his lungs as he is standing out on the court was, "Your going the wrong way!"  The way he said it was so funny.
Tonight, Sierra is off to LaGrande for a dance.  She looked so cute and grown up. Tonight Stacy and I are sitting by the fire waiting for our daughter, still very thankful for the busy day we had with our kids.
Heard they found Dale Smith's plane. Sure glad they found it and hopefully provide some closure to that horrible accident.
Time to go pick up my daughter.

Sierra after biopsy
Hunter in his first basketball game.

Jennifer Shek and some Vegemite. (Great Australian spread)

Chloe during the Bball game.  She is so funny out there.

Then there was Justin and Emily trying to pick out a desert off the Sumpter Junction menu.
Justin will eat ANYTHING but Emily is a bit more picky. It was pretty funny.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update(s). Always good to read. Prayers for everyone. God Bless Us All.
