Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sept 30, The Deer hunt

As usual we had a dang good time at deer camp. Sometimes we had to work at having fun, but it was all good.  The wind and the rain and the cold was all there in full force. Some years it is warm and sunny and other times it is not. We had 11 kids and 7 adults there. Me and my 3 girls, Josh and his 4, Jake and 2 of his, Justin and Keanna, Nick and Abby, and the 2 Grandpa's Dad and Allen.  We saw a few bucks but were never able get to them.  At 4 am we had had enough of the wind and rain. We had tarps, a canopy, and camp supplies strung all over the place from the wind. The stove pipe came off and filled the tents with smoke. So we packed up and headed home.
We still had a ton of fun.  The kids played games, went on a few hikes, rolled rocks, looked for deer, and giggled a lot.  Somehow in all the fun, I was able to keep track of Sierra and Lindsey's meds.

Back home Hunter had his 7 year old birthday party, and Aunt Garrity had a baby shower. Stacy may have some pictures of that.

This week Sierra and I are heading to Calif on Thursday. Sierra has IVIG on Friday. Not exactly sure how we are getting there, but we are working on it. 

The group shot

 Cali, Ashley, and Sierra
 The Princess
 Some deer on the run. I didn't have a tag, so I took some pictures. Can you see the buck? 
 This is the bear cave in Log Creek.  Landon was the brave sole to go in first.
 At the mouth of the bear cave.  There were no bears there....this time
 Jake and I after our ride up Corral Creek.
 Keanna and Megan at Packsaddle.  You can see some big horn sheep off her left shoulder way down there.
 Kids out doing some scouting in Fence Creek.
 Lindsey in the bear cave.
 Huddled in the tent next to the stove.
 Lindsey and Abby scoping out a group of deer down in Log Creek.
 Nick and Justin standing guard


  1. Nice summary. However, I do not remember that much sun - must have been Friday! Thanks to everyone working to put on a good hunt. Good luck down in California.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I am watching your family story on NBC right now and looked up this blog. I live in Oregon and am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also! My family, my children and I have an unidentified Mitochondrial disease as they are all not identified by the biopsy testing as of yet. I heard the word cardiomyopothy and was listening closely. There is cardiomyopothy issues with some of the forms of Mitochondrial disease. We have symptoms, but are doing ok, but I am not sharing this except that I was shocked about the genetic issues with this for your family as that is hard. I wanted to share how impressed I am by your family and the strength that you all have. I wanted to send this message as I want you to know that I will keep your family in my prayers and anything else I can do. I just went through a very horrible divorce, but I am looking for ways to reach out and keep moving forward with my children. If there is a way I can help spread the news to help with funding and support for your family I would like to help.

    You are in my prayers,
