Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept 22, Sierra's 14th Birthday

Stacy here.  My turn to write on the blog is way over due.  Jason always does such a great job, that I have nothing to add. 

He was out with all 5 kids and Axelrod changing pipe this morning, so I found myself with some alone time (awkward I know).  We have had a busy week of just living.  Monday I am working as the school nurse for North Powder school.  I really enjoy that, it puts me at the school with all my kids.  I also work at the hospital in OB on Wednesday nights.  I enjoy that as well.

Gage started preschool this week.  He goes to school Tuesday thru Thursday from 8:00-11:00.  He loves riding the bus with his older siblings.  He was really upset with me the first day of school because he couldn't ride the bus home.  All in all he has adjusted very quickly and easily.  He has had to get used to moving at a different pace in the mornings.

Wednesday, Sierra was able to get her braces off.  She was very excited about that.  She had them on a little longer than she needed to, because of our year in California.  It was a little tricky getting her to the orthodontist every 5 weeks.  We celebrated by having corn on the cob for dinner.  Her orthodontist gave her a bag of candy that was off limits while she was wearing braces. 

Friday was her birthday.  She had an appointment to get her retainer.  Afterwards, Aunt Garrity, Megan, Lindsey, Sierra and I went out for a manicure.  They didn't quite hold up to Sondra's standards, but it was fun anyway.  We celebrated with a birthday party that night.  She had a couple of her friends from school over and relatives.  It was quite the party.  They ended the evening with night games.

Megan and Sierra had a volleyball tournament in Enterprise.  They both won their games and were really excited about that.

On a more serious note, I was downloading a bunch of pictures from June-August of this year.  As the computer downloads them they flash quickly in the download box.  It was a precious moment for me.  It was a quick recap of our summer and it hit me so strong of how very blessed we are.  We are loving being home and dealing with the "normal" challenges of life (friends liking you or not, kids to play with you, how to handle bullies, etc.).  I would say that we have a life of very good memories so far and we are grateful for every day we have to make more!!

Sierra just after getting her braces off.

Getting her nails done for her birthday.

Her birthday breakfast of German pancakes.

Her birthday cake.

Hunter and Range helping her finish blowing out the candles.

Roper really excited for Sierra to open her presents.  They were waiting to go out and play night games when she finished.

Sierra's friends Lauren and Hunter at the end of the bar in the grey.

 Gage heading off to school.
 With Sierra on the run....
And there he goes with his camo pants


  1. It was wonderful to see the girls :) They looked great and played well! I might be in trouble at work today for cheering, lol! Hope you to see you at the October game in Joseph! As always, God bless!

  2. Great post. Thanks Stacy. Sierra on the run and Roper's excitement are funny!

  3. lov the fall-themed cake. Very pretty

  4. I am watching your family story on NBC right now and looked up this blog. I live in Oregon and am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also! My family, my children and I have an unidentified Mitochondrial disease as they are all not identified by the biopsy testing as of yet. I heard the word cardiomyopothy and was listening closely. There is cardiomyopothy issues with some of the forms of Mitochondrial disease. We have symptoms, but are doing ok, but I am not sharing this except that I was shocked about the genetic issues with this for your family as that is hard. I wanted to share how impressed I am by your family and the strength that you all have. I wanted to send this message as I want you to know that I will keep your family in my prayers and anything else I can do. I just went through a very horrible divorce, but I am looking for ways to reach out and keep moving forward with my children. If there is a way I can help spread the news to help with funding and support for your family I would like to help.

    You are in my prayers,

  5. I am also watching your family story right now and wanted to tell you that you are the strongest family I have ever seen and probably ever will. My heart aches watching what you have all gone through, but I'm excited to see this wrapping up with everyone doing so much better. Thank you for sharing your story and for helping spread the importance of donors. Wishing you all the very best. Sharing your story....
