Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 6, Calif trip and Gage's birthday

Kids are all good. Gage turned 5 last week and had a blast partying with two of his favorite cousins Range and Lyndi. He seems to be growing and doing well.  Sierra and I went to Calif for IVIG. We stayed with the Zangers and had a good time. The IV treatment is the same long 14 hour infusion she gets each month.  In early November all 3 kids go back for biopsies, echo's and checkups.  We were planning on going to the Stanford / Washington game but our flight was changed and we had to come home on Saturday morning. Bummer!! That's the way it goes, we are okay with that. Drew and his daughters had a good time at the game.

Lindsey is doing well. She is having a bit of a tough time at school.  She is tired of not growing. She has not grown at all in the last year, maybe a 1/4 inch, but that is stretching it. It is all relating to prednisone and the trauma of the transplant. She is also ready for her chubby cheeks to go away, they may have gone down, but they are not gone. Once the prednisone is turned off, that should help with the growth and chubbiness.

Busy week coming up. Tax extension deadline. Megan and Sierra volleyball games. Stacy works as a school nurse and her regular one night a week at the hospital. A lot of cattle is being shipped and moved around. Planting fall wheat. ALL good stuff.
Till next time
Gage's new cowboy hat, so he can be like Range

Hunter's birthday party during the deer hunt

More of Gage's party, with Range and Lyndi standing by.

 Our 14 and 12 year olds prep'ing for spirit week. This was 'Villain' day
The plane we came down in. Very nice!
Toby the pilot from Sisters. Very nice guy. Thank-you.
Last of all. My sister Garrity. Expecting their first baby in about 3 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I Love the posts. I don't comment, but read them and Love hearing how well yall are doing and all the activities & events. God Bless Us All.
