Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, Still Adjusting

Stacy here, thought I would update since Jason is working on a tax deadline today. Some interesting observations and challenges we didn't realize we were going to have. We were able to be home from California early enough that the kids were able to spend the last week with their class mates here in Oregon. It was all great, the kids were "stars" and everyone was happy to have them back. As the new school year has started that newness has worn off. Megan and Lindsey are really struggling with finding their place again. We were gone an entire school year. Their friends had to make new friends. It is like starting a new school, only harder because you already know everyone. What ends up happening is they feel rejected and left out. I never thought I would hear our kids say, "I just want to go back to California." That has been spoken a few times. This week has been a little better for Megan. As for Lindsey, in California she had a year of nothing but adults. One-on-one teacher time, a nurse constantly at her side, therapists, doctors and her parents. We find that she is most comfortable around adults instead of playing with kids her age. At lunch she goes and helps at the cafeteria instead of going out for recess. This is all very kind, but she is cheating herself of building friendships with kids in her class. We have had to strongly "encourage" her to play with kids at recess. Being in the fourth grade, The next few years will be vital in having friends (just ask Megan).

Megan has on occasion wanted to go back to California and play with the friends she made there. Even though, she has some great kids in her class here. She has been trying harder this week. Sierra and Hunter are both doing great. Sierra is easy going and just goes with the flow of everyone. I think someone could really offend her and she would look at them and say, "Okay." Then walk off skipping and whistling. Hunter just loves to have fun. He has plenty of kids in his class that he rotates through and plays with. We are just working with him on appropriate times to "play" and appropriate times to hold still and listen. Gage is loving preschool and is really enjoying being back with his cousins.

Jason has been busy with his October 15th deadline. He is getting really excited to go elk hunting next week with my brother, Ryan and a bunch of other guys. Hopefully this is the year! I have been busy canning and keeping up with work and the kids. It is a rewarding feeling to see the storage room shelves full and ready for winter, knowing we will be here to use it up.

This is Sierra and Megan's last week of volleyball, then we start into Lindsey's basketball. We are proud of our kids and all they do and have to face each day. They are really trying their hardest.

 Helping Dad with gathering cattle in Durkee


  1. Wow, I didn't even think of the fact that your kids would have to adjust to being back in "their" school this fall. We still think of and pray for your family. You are wonderful people.

  2. thank you and Jason for all the updates.. I love to read each and everyone of them.. Praying for the kids.. its so hard to fit in breaks my heart

  3. I think you are a great family also...wish the best for you always and hope all will work out for the children and adjustments....

  4. California loves and misses all of you. Nate and Ruby often ask when Hunter and Gage are coming back and get excited when they see someone who they think is one of you. BUT, we are praying that everyone settles back into life at home. We can't wait to see you for a visit.

  5. I can kind of relate, as a kid my parents took us out of public school for about 4 years. By the time we went back, even though it was a small town and we knew everyone, it was different. And not a whole lot if fun. I felt very alone and left out a lot. It was hard to watch all of the kids I grew up with hanging out together, but now I was the outsider. Then we moved to Idaho and we knew no one, it was very hard. But, in the end, it all worked out. Friendships were made, and some were rekindled as well. My prayers to you and your family, always. I've loved keeping up with you all via blog since seeing the tv special.

  6. Praying things improve for the kids with friends & school. It's definitely a unique situation for them all. Prayers for understanding by everyone involved. God Bless Us All.

  7. I think those are some of the best photos you have posted.
