Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday Night, June 4

Been good getting back into the groove here in Eastern Oregon. Kids have had fun going to school and activities. Sierra and Megan went with their classes to Boise to Roaring Springs. They had fun, but it has been a little difficult to fit in with some of their friends. It's tough to be gone that long, then jump back into the groups of friends.

Lindsey and Hunter went with their classes to go bowling in Baker and have lunch at the park. The 1-3 grades go on the bowling trip.  Lindsey has missed this for two years.  In first grade, she had pneumonia and missed the last week of school and last year she was in the hospital.  To say that she wasn't excited about this is an understatement.   I walked over from the office and ate lunch with them. We are working on catching up on things that we would normally have done.  Planting a garden, flowers in all the flower beds and putting all the "stuff" from RMH somewhere in our house. With a long list of  "To Do's" that is GREAT to have.

Stacy's mom, ReNae and Randy stopped by on their way back from Alaska. It was very nice of them.

Tomorrow the Dateline show airs at 8:00 pm.  It's a full one hour show on our Calif experience.  We are all excited, nervous and very anxious. There has been several adds on Dateline's Facebook page, along with the Huffington Post and the LPCH web site. Each time we see one, Stacy and I hold our breath and check it out.  It's quite nerve racking to see yourself on national TV. We are just normal people who had a life changing experience.

Tomorrow between 8:30 and 9:00 a portion of our story will be on the Today Show. Mostly promoting the Dateline. Then at 10:30 am, I will join Keith Morrison for an online chat 'hangout'. I don't even know what that means, but it is on Google+.  So if anyone wants to join, and can figure it out, come along for the fun.

 Range showing his cousin his shetlan pony. Boys were having fun.
 First Sunday dinner.
 That's my boy. Gotta love the posture.
In line to go bowling


  1. That pic of Hunter kills me! He's more and more Jason Jr every day!! We have Dateline Dvr'd and watch all the promo videos! The promos are all amazing so I am sure the special is incredible! You've done well, Bingham!!

  2. Your family continues to inspire me every day. You are truly one unit who very much so cares and respects each other. I look forward to watching the Dateline special tonight. On another note, the 2014 Transplant Games of America are in July 2014 and Team NW will be having a team at the games. The games are for transplant recipients and living donors. We would love to have Sierra and Lindsey be a part of our team! Please shoot me a message if you're interested!

  3. All four of these pictures are great! What is Princess (our old Shetland) doing making a return after 30 years?
    The Sunday dinner picture with the antlers in the back ground (complete with modern lawn chair furniture) is a classic.
    Hunter's intimidating manly posture goes without comment.
    But the best one is the sweet tender picture of Gage hiding behind his brave (in many ways) big sister. Good luck with the big show tonight, but more importantly good luck and God bless with trying to develop a new normal for your family. Like you said on the video chat online thing, you and Stacy are still trying to raise 5 children and that is hard enough without these "little" side issues which keep popping up in your life!

  4. i am so sorry to hear about your never ending battle with diseases and heart issues. I really wanted to tell you about Christ and how he can be anchor and hope in all that you are going thru. I came to understand Christ and what he truely did for me on cross. He died on cross and rose on third day to show us that we can have a new clean forgiven life in Christ as Lord and Savior. I came to understand i sinned against God and that sin is breaking of his commandment such as lieing stealing lusting, etc but that punishment was hell forever but that Jesus in his great love for mankind wanted us to have Him as Savior and wrath of God poured out upon Him for sins of all mankind because he became ultimate sacrifice for sins of world and He was HOly perfect and sinless cuz not just any sacrifice coud be given it had to be a perfect sacrifice and his blood was shed to atone for our sins so that we could be washed by blood of Lamb but it is only by receiving it after we hear it. we are not automatically saved. We must understand we are sinner and deserve be seperated from Christ forever but that in his love how much he loved us and wants to give us a new heart and wash us clean and to be new person in Him and put Holy Spirit in us. “Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.” If you decided to repent of your sins and receive Christ today, welcome to God's family. Now, as a way to grow closer to Him, the Bible tells us to follow up on our commitment. •Get baptized as commanded by Christ.
    •Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ.
    •Spend time with God each day. It does not have to be a long period of time. Just develop the daily habit of praying to Him and reading His Word. Ask God to increase your faith and your understanding of the Bible.
    •Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus. Develop a group of believing friends to answer your questions and support you.
    •Find a local church where you can worship God.

    The only thing iwish to state is that one you choose to receive HIm you must leave mormon church because mormon church is not right in it teaching. you cannot be your own god. many of there prphets have been false. book of mormon is also false to. You have to beleive that Christ is God and you can come into a personal relationship with HIm but you have to understand gravity of sin and and then come out form deception of mormon church. My friend was in it for 30 years and she will speak of how it is such deep deception. she is baptist now and her husband is a baptist preacher. http://www.gotquestions.org/Mormons.html here is also more emphasis on what they beleive also. It is harad to break with tradition. I also had to leave a false church and enter into True CHristianity. i became baptist and learned bible in a really solid way. I came to understand Jesus as my Lord and Savior and even children as young as 3 if you teach them the gospel properly they to can also pray the above sinner prayer and receie Jesus as there Savior because children also need to take opportunity to receive jesus as there Savior. i hope you will shareit wth your kids as well and wish you well. Some other sites you can listen to christian music is klove.com you can grow in knowledge of Christ at desiringod.org. or crytogod.com but most of all just preach Christ with all that you are and pray to Lord about leading you to a more stable church that is full of HOly Spirit--baptist, penetcostal, nondenominational. something centered on direct teaching of bible and preaches holiness and truth.

    1. I too, feel that if there is one thing I can't abide, it is false prphets. We ARE sinner! klove.com rulez!

    2. Mormons are members of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. Mormon is a nickname for our church. How ignorant of you to assume they are not acquainted with our Savior.

  5. i do wish to let you know Jesus loves us but i also want you to have HOly Spirit and know truth and be in real Holy Spirit fileld church, open New tesatment p for yourself and read it for yourself .......just go thru whole thing yourself

  6. I've been following your story since last summer---how amazing to see your faces on MSN this afternoon! Can't wait for everyone to see how fantastic you all are! So happy everyone is HOME to enjoy the show tonight!

  7. Right now i am watching the Dateline on all of you and I'm bawling. i hope everything is alright. I will pray for you all. Please lat the little one be OK. Keep on praying and hope for the best and the best will come.

  8. thank you for sharing your family's story. Your love is amazing and inspiring.

  9. I am watching your story on Dateline right now, Bless your family!!!

  10. You guys are truly amazing people. I'm amazed at how you've handled this and hope we can be a part in some way of helping.

  11. Jason and Stacy,
    You and your family are truly an inspiration. We have spent some extended stays in a children's hospital with our son, but nothing like what you have gone through. The way you have handled it is really amazing. May God continue to bless your children with good health and may all hospitals become a faint memory for you.
    Thanks to Dateline for the wonderful way they delivered your story.

  12. I love you all and your children. I am amazed at your courage and you both just keep on going. You both are heroes. Take care.

  13. Cindy from IndianapolisJune 5, 2013 at 6:21 PM

    Thank you so much for your guys' courage in sharing your story on Dateline. I am so blessed to hear and see how you all have come so far. What a journey! I can hardly even imagine how it would be in your situation! I wish there were magic words that could make it all okay for you, but just know you are thought of and prayed for, each one of you! As a nurse myself, Stacy, I've often wondered what it would be like to have my own children as patients. I don't know how I would do it, but clearly God knew such extra-special children would need extra-special parents, and you & Jason seem to fit that role! You guys are doing a great job of parenting even in the midst of so much turmoil! Your children are so wonderful, it was a joy to watch them support and encourage each other along the way. Thanks again for sharing and best wishes for the future! Much love! ~Cindy

  14. Kiley in Sikeston, MOJune 5, 2013 at 6:25 PM

    I was shocked to see your story, bc I too have 3 kids that have been recently diagnosed with a genetic condition called ARVD/C. I have twins that are 11, one of which has already had a cardiac ablation 3 years ago. And a 14 year old that had to be rushed with V-Tach to the ER last November, and had the same surgery. After a cardiac MRI and genetic testing, we got the news that all three of our boys have this condition, but the 11 year old (Keaton) had developed dysplasia in the right ventricle. He has been told that he can no longer play sports and the fear of the unknown is there that you talk about. I have had people contact me tonight that thought of us immediately when they too saw your story. I'm so glad that everything worked out for your precious children. I will be praying for you, your husband and your children. I also want to thank you for airing your story, bc I feel it's very important to raise awareness for Cardiomyopathy and related diseases. God bless you all and good luck!!

  15. Sending your family love and light, now and always. Your family is an inspiration and I know so many families will consider organ donation because you were brave enough to share your story.

  16. Jennifer Bingham AllenJune 5, 2013 at 6:28 PM

    I just finished watching your Dateline story. I am so glad that you were willing to share your story on National TV and hope that it makes more people realize just how important it is to be an organ donor. I have an 11 year-old daughter, Lauren, who at 6 weeks old had a heart transplant. I relived each moment of her story as I watched yours. I also want to say thanks for also showing how important family is and to live and love each other with all you have. I pray that you and your family live strong and healthy lives. Blessings!

  17. Just watched your dateline story. Amazed by the courage your kids and you possess in such scary times, and so happy to see you home. Sending blessings to your family as well as the families who gave so much sacrifice so your kiddos could thrive. People are amazing!

  18. Melissa G. in IowaJune 5, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    I live in Iowa, and I watched your families story on Dateline just a little bit ago. I just wanted to say that your story was inspiring. I have a 3 year old daughter, and I just cant imagine going through what you all went through. Your story has forever changed my life! It made me so grateful for what I have! Thank you! I wish you all the best and I would love to keep in touch with all of you!

  19. Just saw your special on dateline and think I cried several times. I am so happy you are all home and doing well. I am praying for your family and wish you continued good health! You are a great reminder of how thankful we should all be for what we have, especially our health!

  20. Just watched your dateline and I am in truly in awe of the strength of your family.I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you! I am LDS and wondered if by chance you guys were as well??? :) You guy will forever more be a part of our family prayers and we wish you the absolute best. I hope everyone stays healthy and I am so glad to see you are all at home again! Much love from Colorado!!!!

  21. Ditto, to the last comment. We watched as well and were touched and moved as well. Our prayers are with you all and we wish your family the best. God be with all of you!

  22. Allison......YES they are LDS....very strong testimonies of the Gospel....strong LDS background with extended family! Stacy....my luv and admiration for you and Jason have just grown by leaps and bounds! No one deserves to go through what your family have gone through, but look at the blessings you've received...look at how well you have grown to know your Heavenly Father even more than you thought possible! Your willingness to share your story to help strengthen others to give others the hope they are seeking...to show us all the luv for family, the courage, the faith shown, the endurance, patience needed....can't wait to see you again!!! I've got a HUGE hug waiting for you !!! I Love You!

  23. I just watched and cried through the bulk of the dateline program. Your family is simply amazing! I will pray for nothing but the best for you all. You are all an inspiration and a testament to human spirit, love and faith. God bless each of you and thanks for allowing me to be touched by your journies.

  24. I am a third generation Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy patient. I have an ICD, DDD Pacemaker and had the alcohol ablation and my septum is still 30mm thick. My paternal grandmother collapsed and died from Sudden Death in her early sixties. My sister who also had HCM passed away on January 28th of this year from HCM and had an ICD. Just as we were finishing mourning her death at the age of 57, my dad passed away on My 13th from HCM and also had an ICD. Grandma was 1st generation, dad was 2nd generation my sister and I are 3rd generation an my sisters youngest daughter has recently been diagnosed with HCM. I actually have HOCM which is Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy and my symptoms are extremely harsh. I suffered several mini strokes (TIA) from a blood clot in my atrium caused by afib. I consider yself very lucky at this time. I have three boys and so far all of them are symptom free, although my oldest son was diagnosed with WPW or Wolfe Parkinson White and was cured by having a radio frequency ablation. I feel so much for your family, but lord knows I know what you are going through. We have also been seen at Stanford and we also had the DNA gene test. We are an oddity much like your family. Almost every family history of HCM a defective gene can be found and isolated. In our family gene history they cannot find the gene that is causing the cardiomyopathy in our family and this makes us a cardiologists wet dream. I want you to know that our hearts are with your hearts and we hope you have full, normal lives. I hope to add more to this story, my personal road from diagnosis to seeing a heart transplant transition team at the newly opened Cardiomyopathy clinic at OHSU (Oregon Health and Science University) in Portland. I have a wonderful support group of family and friends and there is the HCMA organization online. I urge you to join this support group, there are so many good people here who have such similar stories.

  25. Hi Jason and Stacy clan:

    Just saw "Against all Odds" tonight on Dateline. Thank you for sharing your family's story. I pray for continuing health miracles for your family. I happen to live in Palo Alto, and a friend who is an artist painted murals and paintings at Stanford Packard Children's Hospital. So if/when you return there, and you need a distraction, be sure to look for an adorable reading cat in the children's hospital library, above the door as you leave the library. And also look for her enchanting tree of life (it's in one of the children's hospital halls). Kids and adults love to visit it because they can search for all kinds of living creatures hiding in its branches.

  26. (goes with the message i sent a little while ago) Also, if you stay again at the Palo Alto Ronald McDonald house, the same artist I mentioned in an earlier comment also stenciled and painted three wonderful murals in three of the living rooms there (many years ago; so I hope that they are still there). So if you get a chance to find them, they are of a farm, a rainforest (with beautiful colorful tropical birds), and a castle.

    In closing, may you continue to find strength and courage, and may all your children's health be restored.

  27. You have moved the nation. World's most inspiring family.

  28. Your story touched my heart deeply! Thank you for having the courage to share it. It seems like the day we live it everyone is looking for an easy fix to our problems (me included) but sometimes miracles take time and we have to pick up and move forward and work together as a family to endure well as a family. You are a great example of courage to me and my family and our world today. Will be praying for all of you!
    Brenda in Utah

  29. The Dateline show was amazing. You have bravely helped an unknown number of people in the future by sharing your story. Your family is so inspiring. Thank you and God bless you all.

  30. Hello Jason and Stacy, I am Russell Martin. I also am a heart transplant recipient out of loma Linda Med University here in Southern California. I saw your story on NBC Dateline and was just amazed at your strength and love. My wife and I shared some laughs and tears as we watched Sierra and Lindsay's stories. I wish you guys all the best, keep the faith and god bless your family. I can relate to your comments on the show "New Norm" I just pray everyday that god that we are all so very blessed with a second chances. Take care, looking forward to following your blog.

  31. I was flipping through the channels at home tonight and my boyfriend and I are from La Grande but are currently living in Yakima, WA. He recognized you from a speech you gave at church once and said you and your family were from North Powder. I didn't believe him at first so I had to watch the episode on Dateline. We ended up watching the entire thing and it was truly inspiring. Your family is beautiful and all of your kids each show their own beauty. Your family was great to watch and I wish the best for all of you. I will definitely be keeping up with your blog from now on. Thank you for sharing your story.

  32. your story on Dateline was just amazing. I really don't know where you get your strength form. But I know as a parent when we are faced with challenges from life we just have to get on with it, and Im sure that's what you have both had to do. Your kids are amazing and I pray for them all. It was heartbreaking to watch the show and see what they have been through and know that it could happen again. Thank you for sharing your story and for promoting the importance of organ donation. And thank you for writing back to the donor family. As a donor mom of a 26 year old child it is touching to hear from the recipient family just to know that they are doing well. I know your story is your own and so personal to all of you but you have saved lives tonight by sharing it. I know that there are people out there who don't know or understand the need for organ registration and I know because of you and your children people will register to become organ donors. Thank you for that and God bless you and keep your children safe. I pray that they all lead long happy, healthy lives.

  33. Wow! Your story on Dateline touched my spirit tonight. You are a beautiful couple and family! Thank you for sharing your story.

  34. You are an amazing family!Wishing you all the best.

  35. You are an amazing family!
    Wishing you all the best.

  36. Just watched the episode on TV. Wow... What an unbelievable story and journey you are all going through. I was touched and in awe of your love for each other and your kids. Truly a special family that has inspired countless people. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will hope for positive updates. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your story.

  37. You are all amazing. Such a strong loving family. Made me realize how important it is to enjoy life and not sweat the small stuff.

  38. Well wishes from Iceland. The whole world is cheering for you. You are a great inspiration .

  39. My son who is seven years old and I were both touched by your story on Dateline last night. I think that you helped people by being on Dateline, because today a judge over turned a ruling for a 12 year old girl who needs a lung transplant. There was a law preventing 12 year olds from getting adult organs.
    Your children are beautiful. Your youngest reaching out to you before her surgery really touched me.
    So it is a year later and every one is still alive?

  40. I want your children to be healthy & okay and my energy should not disrupt that, but I am extreemly concerned about whether you asked for a second opinion when you were given these diagnoses.
    You know that a severe diagnoses always demands a second opinion right?
    That is great that you have horses and a lot of land in Minnesota, but passive parenting will not do.
    I also can see this one coming... unless Jesus gets here first...and that is no way to live.
    I do not think that you are being realistic. For the human body to not reject another person's heart. I have never heard of that. Are you guys on The Starship Enteprise? Is there a way at this point that more honesty could be involved. How did you get swept up in to this? Was it for lack of one simple effort, just asking the doctor to wait while you got a second opinion?

    1. Do you think this family is enjoying seeing their young ones sick. How dare you ask if they've recieved a second opinion ?! Or judging for what joy they are able to find ?? - Lisa from az

  41. Just because your wife holds her spoon right and looks good in her jeans that does not mean that all is right in your childrens' world.
    You have given them a reality where they can not trust their own heart.
    Where whoops of joy come from a surgery or a donor organ to avoid death rather than a good report card, time with friends, school work well done or a sport enjoyed.
    When will people realize that the little things in life have value.
    How far over the top will you go to try to claim elegance, reality and that whoop of joy?

  42. I am perfectly healthy and my son is perfectly healthy. I think that your energy is misdirected. We have so much fun together. Getting him from school each day is a joy to me. Watching his team play baseball is a joy to me. Having a comfortable home for him to come home to pleases me. Making sure that he has all of the "toys" that he wants pleases me. Knowing that he has had a good night's sleep pleases me. Knowing that he is popular and gets together with friends pleases me.
    You can not cheat God. I am a Latter Day Saint. Maybe you need more prayer in your life.
    Our pain comes in because in the late summer or fall of 2004 SRS wrongfully took my son from his parents when he was 10 weeks old. He is 8 now and we have not gotten him back. He was illegally adopted by my cousin. I have not seen him since he was 10 weeks old. We were in a corrupt town in Vermont at the time. Now we are in VT's state capitol and doing better, but 2 brothers with the same parents should be together not seperated.
    Your wife sounds misguided to me when she is counting her blessings.
    My children are healthy. My children are alive. I am 38 years old. I have my whole life ahead of me.
    We are living boths sides of the scale too.

  43. What I was trying to say is that my 7 year old lives with me. My 8 year old does not.

    1. What is your point ? Your life is harder ? How callous can you be ?? ---Lisa from az

  44. Hi. Lisa. I went to Glendale Community College in Arizona. I live in Vermont. I am trying very very hard to speak a concern, because I was not convinced when I watched Dateline last night. I sapw nothing that really showed them asking for a second opinion. That would normally be the most important concern of Dateline's and should have been the parents first priority here.
    My oldest son Tristan ... I was told that he needed hernia surgery when he was an infant. I insisted on getting a second opinion. It turned out that the fitst doctor was wrong.
    One thing that blogging is good for is honesty.

    1. If you watched the Dateline program you would have seen that their oldest daughter was seen in TWO different hospitals before being transferred to LPCH. That means she was seen by at least TWO emergency room doctors before being transferred to a specialty hospital. One of those hospitals was Saint Luke's RMC where they have an excellent pediatric cardiologist on staff. What is the purpose of your comment anon 7:27? To make this sweet family second guess themselves? You watched many months of their life summarized in a 45 minute program. At a minimum read their blog before posting such a completely off-topic comment. Get a grip. If you want to share your 'pain' start your own blog. Sheesh.

      Bingham family count me as one of the many people you have never met but truly inspired.

  45. Quoted: I am trying very very hard to speak a concern, because I was not convinced when I watched Dateline last night. I sapw nothing that really showed them asking for a second opinion. End Quote.

    As someone who does not know this family, nor do I speak FOR them... if you think for a second that a one hour show on TV can show you everything this family has been through, you are sadly mistaken.

    To Stacy & Jason,
    I stumbled across your blog more than a week ago, and have now marathoned through every single entry of your blog. As a parent, I can't even begin to fathom what your family has gone through.

    My family has been struggling through with various things these last few months- money, health and whatnot.. but if I ever needed a slap of reality to know that my situation isn't that bad, finding your blog late one night was exactly it.

    Was glad to read the posts that you are now home and I'm hoping that you'll be able to stay there, without needing to go through any of this again.

    I've been listed as an organ donor all my life, but this show/blog did get me talking to other family members to make sure they too signed up as well. I'm sure I wasn't the only one reaching out to loved ones to start that discussion after the show.

    Best wishes to your family..

    Kel~ from VT

  46. i watched your story last night and was just amazed by your strength and positive attitude. such a wake-up call when i sometimes complain about the little things in life. will be praying that your entire family continues to receive good news! so happy y'all were able to come home!

  47. Your story was both heartbreaking and inspiring. Your children amazed me with their humor and hopefulness and how much love there is. I hope you and your wife remain strong and stay married for this beautiful amazing family you have. You have been blessed that's for sure and your family is PERFECT!!

  48. We were so happy to hear of your wonderful journey home and the warm welcome that awaited you. We were all in tears and filled with so much joy. The Dateline interview was so well done and you have inspired so many with your courage and strong faith. We are grateful to have experienced that first hand getting to know your family while at Packard. Colette misses Lindsey and your family will continue to be in our prayers. Please keep in touch. Thank you for sharing your story. May God bless you always. The Vance's

  49. Darn it !! I thought it was tonight. Is there any place on u tube or a dateline site to watch it ?? And
    shame on some folks ! I think your wonderful people and who is any of us to judge your beliefs. I'm Christian and would never judge someone by there beliefs !!

  50. Hi, my name is sherry Vasquez I am Nicohlas's paternal grandmother I have been trying to email you but I can't for some reason if you could email me that would be great


    Thank you,
    Sherry Vasquez

  51. Loved Dateline! Your family is so inspirational and your positive attitude through times of trial amazing! Thank you for sharing your story and for your great example.

  52. One of my youngest boys (he is 7) best friends is a girl named Veronica. She is beautiful and funny and wonderful to be around.
    When Veronica was maybe in kindergarten her mother decided that Veronica needed surgery to have a kidney removed... even though she has stated many times (Veronica's mother has) that she does not like her doctor. My mother goes to the same place so I know that I think they are quacks too. The Montpelier Health Center in Montpelier, Vermont.
    I drive my son and I out of town to Waterbury to see some one who is better I hope. (Waterbury Medical Associates)
    I have worried about Veronica... changing bloody bandages in the bathroom at school; my son Ezra said. She seems small too like she might not be growing as quickly as she was.
    Thinking about it this way though she has it pretty good. She is missing an organ. Atleast she is not depending on a foreign one to survive.
