Thursday, June 6, 2013


Quite a day yesterday watching the Dateline special. In the morning I did a 'Google Hangout' with Sandy Cumming and Keith Morrison. It was a chance to share feeling and visit with the producer and Keith. None of it was rehearsed or edited. Keith walked in minute before it began and we just chatted.  Within minutes of the 'Hangout' ending, it was posted on the website.  It went well, but afterwards I was pretty exhausted.  Thanks to Josh, my brother, who was watching it live, saw I needed a drink of water, called Glenda and had her get me a drink. I was to nervous to watch it until after the Dateline. I guess it is on Youtube and the Dateline website. 

I have to say, Sandy Cumming did a pretty good job on the show. I want to thank her and NBC for telling an accurate story. She and her crew were always good to work with.  I purposely tried to exclude the Dateline thing as we were going through the transplant and other treatments. I didn't want it to be a distraction from what we were dealing with. But now that it is out, I want say they were good to work with and always gave us our space when we needed it. Thanks Sandy.

After the show last night, Lindsey called 3 West and talked to Riza, a night nurse, it was a highlight of her day. Riza is the night nurse that was on when Lindsey was taken to Transplant at Midnight. She still misses the 3 West nurses and therapists.  Yesterday, Stacy and the kids rode bikes home from school. A neat tradition she has kept up.

Why did we agree to the Dateline thing? We were approached about it way back in July when Lindsey was still in the CVICU.  At first we didn't want to do it. But we thought this would be a good way to reach out, share our story, and help others become more aware of the need for organ donation.

We have enjoyed the comments. Seems like all types are chiming in. We appreciate the love and concern from so many people.

 But this is what it is all about. Today Stacy had the cousins over for a play day. Roper, Dalley Jo, Range, Keanna, Ayla, Abigail, Chloe, and Jackson. They had a good time.
 Keeping the main thing the main thing.
Still just glad to be home.


  1. Keep cherishing life every day the way you do and keep inspiring. You've touched thousands and have showed such faith and grace and motivate others. God bless, the Vance family

  2. Jason and Stacy I doubt you know how many people have been following your story and looked forward to the Dateline show. Your family has become a part of all of our families through your blog. We feel a part of the joy and the sadness you have gone through. The Dateline show was excellent. It brought awareness to the importance of the donor program. God Bless your family! We continue to think of each of you!

  3. I have been a Cardiac Nurse in Bakersfield, CA for 26 years, I was just settling in for the night and was about to turn the channel to a recorded show when a picture of your family popped up. I stopped to hear what the story was going to be and was hooked. I deal with adult patients with cardiomyopathy on a daily basis, I can relate to what your feeling, but you, your wife and family's bravery, love commitment is truly inspiring. It stopped me in my tracks. I could only imagine the stress you went through and at the end came through it together. Awesome. thats all I can say

  4. I saw the Dateline show. Your beautiful family--so supported by the love you have for one another--is an inspiration. I have two kids and I know the heartbreak of suffering every setback with them. I only hope I can parent with half the calm, fearlessness and intelligence I saw you both exhibit in the show. You have a lesson to teach us all about grace under pressure.

  5. Dear JAson and Stacy, You really have no idea how your Dateline program has affected people. It was such a courageous thing you did and it is not only getting the word out about organ donation, it is also causing so many to ask..."How in the world have these people been able to cope through all of this?" I have been in an online continuing class throughout the entire time Lindsey was hospitalized. I started sharing your story with them on the morning that I had to excuse myself when you first appeared on the Today Show back in July of last year. I shared your bolg with the other students in my "study group." We meet online several days a week for a couple of hours. Although I have never even met some of these people face to face, I feel like after all of this time that they are good friends. In this academic setting,initially I had felt it not appropriate to share personal information, such as my faith, political views or my disdain for Eggplant.
    As the Saga continued we began to share our beliefs more and more after class time when we discussed what was going on with you guys. In our group are 3 Catholics, one Jew, one Baptist, a non denominational Christian and of course, me, the token Mormon. We have rejoiced over the triumphs, cried together at the at the rough parts and when the news came that a donor heart had been found, you would have thought that Lindsey was our own kiddo. When she had the seizure after the surgery I quickly sent out a text requesting that they contact everyone they know to pray for her. We couldn't even concentrate the next day.
    Our little study group is spread across the country, PA, NJ, NV, TX, IL, and Canadian. (isn't Skype wonderful?)It was interesting on Wednesday night because we were Skyping each other as the program aired at different times across the country. The East coast people warned those of us in the further west time Zones to have the tissue ready.
    This is a long winded way of saying that by you sharing your story, you have not only opened up an awareness and dialogue among many people regarding organ donation, but have also increased understanding and awareness of the power of faith and the efficacy of prayer. You all are indeed the most stunning examples I know of, of grace, courage, dignity, and faith under pressure. Continued love and Prayers. Mike Olsen

  6. While I haven't watched the Dateline show, I just read the article that I found in my LDS Living email that directed me to your blog. Such an amazing story! I can somewhat relate. My youngest daughter (I have 3 kids total) had open heart surgery at 4 days old. She's needed CPR twice, been on ECMO, and now has a trach, a g tube, and the occasional seizure. She was in ICU for 10 weeks and is now in rehab. She has 2 more open heart surgeries before she is 4. I can't even imagine going through this with 3 different children! My heart breaks for you.

  7. Watched the Dateline show twice. First with my wife and 8 year old son and then again with the same son and my 10 year old daughter. We were all moved to tears and my children learned a great lesson in life and faith (and a great reminder for us adults as well). You all have been added to our prayer list that we discuss every night during dinner prayer.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Mr. Bingham,
    My name is Susana Arroyo and I live in Eastern Oregon Pendleton to be exact.
    I just want you to know I have dilated cardiomyopathy caused by Muscular Dystrophy and have been following Lindsey's story since the beginning; your little girl and family are such an inspiration to me to keep fighting. I recently traveling from Oregon to Cincinnati Children's Hospital to get a heartware LVAD. I have hopes of one day being listed for transplant and get the gift of life such as little lindsey did. Even though I have never met you or your little girl. I feel such love for her. She is a fighter and is my inspiration. I don't know if this is possible, but I would one day like to meet little lindsey and thank her; because if it wasn't for her I would have given up a long time ago. If you could write me back, that would be great! Hope you guys are back to enjoying the nice oregon country side. FYI I also sent you a Facebook message to your account. God Bless! :)

    Here is the link to my news story

  10. Dear Bingham family - your Dateline show was truly amazing, as is your family. Just visiting with Stacy this week at school - well, I'm not sure you all know the impact you have had on people around the world. Your family has taught many of us the meaning of strength, faith, family, and love. It was a blessing to have little Lindsey Lou in my classroom this week and especially for our bowling trip. I love that little girl and am so thankful you all are back home in Eastern Oregon! I'm pretty sure Lindsey's 2 1/2 days at school were her best in third grade. :) xoxox Mrs. Smith

  11. I didn't catch the dateline show when it aired but watched it online the next day. I am so glad they did a story like that and that you agreed to it. It was so inspiring to watch you. I could not imagine having one child in the OR getting a new heart and having another in the CICU with rejection. I felt for you while watching the show. I'm a heart mom too, my daughter has had her heart for 13 years (July 19th) and each day is a gift. Having one child whose had a transplant is hard let alone 2 with the possibility of 3 more. You all seem to have taken it well and I wish you the best in everything. If you would like to check out my daughter's carepage please do so at

  12. Is one of your children still in the hospital? You mention nurses in this post.

  13. Bingham family,
    We watched your dateline special and were so touched by your family and all you have been through. As we were watching my thought was this family has to be LDS... They have such a great spirit about them. Sure enough I then saw the Utah State shirts (my husband is n Aggie) and a hymn book in the background. I knew you had to have a blog- and found it in a few minutes. Just wanted to say Thank You for sharing your story and being so positive. My outlook on organ donation has changed. Thank You. I hope for only good things to come for your sweet family!

  14. The Dateline show was on when I turned on the tv and I was blessed to be able to watch your family's journey. It helped me put things in my life in perspective. I was born and raised in San Jose and never really gave a thought about Lucille Packard children's hospital or what the families were going through there. I am now inspired to research how I can help the families that have uprooted their lives to help make their stay just a little bit easier. Thank you for sharing your story.

  15. Saw the Dateline special and all I can say is wow. Just wow. Prayers for you and your family. I can't even imagine how difficult these last years have been for you. Thank you so much for sharing the story of your beautiful children. Best wishes going forward, and I'll be following here along the way.

  16. What a wonderful message you have given to others about the gift of life that goes with organ donation. My son has a donor pulmonary valve and artery which was also done at LPCH. Great seeing our home away from home on TV. My son's journey is not over as he will have to replace his conduit to live. We take it one day at a time and are blessed to have him each day. I know how you felt on your emotional roller coaster, I have been there. Prayer has kept us going as well. Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful family.

  17. Saw the dateline special then immediately found your blog and read from day one. Just finished. I hope you will keep updating about Sierra, Lindsay, and Gage. I would also love to hear about the rest of your children! My 3 year old little boy has a Bicuspid Aortic Valve and may need open heart surgery one day to replace with a mechanical valve or pig valve. I hope for some surgical breakthrough before that day happens. Your story gives me hope that when/if that time comes we can get through it!

  18. Loved seeing your family on dateline and all the love to Utah State! Your family is so strong! My son Hank was born with complete heart block last year and has a pacemaker like your youngest, and he's an Aggie too! Hugs from Cache Valley.

  19. Thank you so much for your story of faith and hope! I am writing an article about your family and your ability to stay faithful during these times. I would love to ask you some questions, if possible. Please let me know by e-mailing me at Also, have you thought about putting ads up on your blog? It would be a good way to pay for some medical bills.
