Sunday, June 2, 2013

Home in Eastern Oregon

Well we are home. It has been a pretty exciting time.

We stopped in Reno and Circus Circus and had a great time.  We hit the road at 8 am and stopped at Kade and Stephanie Thomas in Wilder Id. They are our good friends we met back in June 2012. There little girl Tristin has the heart issues and is hanging in there.  We had a great visit, but wished we could have stayed longer.

Made it to North Powder at 6:15 to a very excited community. I had been coordinating a surprise welcome home party for the family at the school. There were a couple 100 of our closest 'Oregon' friends. Lindsey just screamed and gave hugs as fast as she could. It was neat to see our 5 kids go in 5 different directs to met and play with their old friends. Stacy and I didn't see our kids for about a hour. thanks Jeanette, that was perfect.

Then we drove 7.5 miles out of town to our home. We drove slow and took it all in. the pastures and fields are green.  Irrigation water is going everywhere. Snow capped Blue Mountains looking down on us.

When we got home, the kids did the same thing. 5 kids in five different directions. Gage to the trampoline, Hunter to the swings, Lindsey to her room, and Megan and Sierra somewhere. Their cousins were close behind and they all played some more. Bikes were rolling, trampoline was full of kids. Some were to the ditch or otherwise called 'The Island'. Others were off to the trees or 'The Jungle'. They used to play along another ditch they called 'The Oregon Trail', but since last year, it has been cleaned out so now we call it 'the Oregon Expressway' named after the road in Palo Alto.  It was so nice to see life back into this house.

Saturday we unpacked, went shopping, had a BBQ, played a little baseball, and had a great visit.

Getting excited and VERY nervous about the Dateline special on Wednesday 8:00.  This morning I saw a 4 minute prom on the Huffington post website. This is crazy! What have we got ourselves into. The producer just e-mailed me as asked if we would video Lindsey saying' Watch my heart transplant on Dateline, Wednesday night at 8:00'. So Stacy is doing her hair, what the heck!

 Circus Circus
 Leela, Hannah, Megan, PK, Nori, Maria, Sierra, & Mia. The awesome Calif friends

 More Circus Circus
 Big Red on the road
 Linds, Tristin, and Sierra. (Tristin was born in Calif with 1/2 a heart)

 Crossing the boarder into Oregon.

 Little baseball in the yard.

  Gage, Range, Lyndee, and Brand.


  1. Soooo,Soooo HAPPY for your FAMILY to HOME in North Powder, OR. and see your home alive again....enjoy every minute of it... Jay and I are excited to see the Dateline Special and are keeping you in OUR Prayers always....

  2. So happy to see your family back where they belong! What a wonderful miracle! Enjoy every minute, every friend, and every smile! Looking forward to your Dateline special. Your family will continue to be in our prayers.

  3. Congrats on being home! I have read up on your family recently and read back through the whole blog. You guys are amazing and inspiring. Prayers to you all and so much love:)

    PS Can't wait to see the Dateline special!

  4. Oh my gracious, tears of joy just streamed down my face as I read this. What relief! What joy for ALL of you! So thankful to Heavenly Father for answering all of our prayers and helping you to endure such a long and hard trial. Yay you're home! :D
    ~ L from Ohio

  5. So happy to have you guys back home!!!

  6. Just wonderful seeing you all at home! Please thanks Lindsey for being such a good sport about all this TV stuff!

  7. good to see the blog today and the pictures...Was waiting all day yesterday because we missed the homecoming!!! We'll be watching the Dateline special on Wednesday and continue to keep the B7 in our prayers. God Bless.

  8. It's nice to see your family home. Can't wait to see the show.

  9. So happy for all of you! I can only imagine the abundant amount of joy in your hearts!
    After reading this blog I know I will need a box of Kleenex to watch Dateline!
    Love you guys and will continue to hold you all in our hearts and keep you in our prayers!

  10. Yahoo and we are so excited to have you home!!! Feels a little unbelievable to walk the halls and school amongst our favorite little Bingham kiddos (maybe I should add from Tally Dobbins, so the other fantastic Bingham kiddos at school won't get too jealous!!! :)) Last Friday was absolutely wonderful and joyous. Today at school, Little Miss Lindsey Lou was definitely a superstar that had quite a crew following her every move. Quite cute and I will definitely share some of those pics with you! Have a happy and blessed first week back. Thank you for letting the kiddos come to school....made myMonday!! loves, hugs and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Just watched DATELINE!!!!!!! It was so amazing! I've been hearing from friends across the country, who have been praying for your family these many months, during the commercial breaks telling me they have been so touched by your story, your courage, your faith. (Dateline hadn't even started yet in our timezone) Continued Love and Prayers. Hope to see you when we visit this summer. Love Dale and Mike

  13. I just watched the Dateline special. I was very moved by your family's journey. I am 33 years old and I was born into a family with a heart disease history. My mom died at the age of 21 from sudden cardiac death. I received my first pacemaker and defibrillator at the age of sixteen due to having prolonged QT syndrome and congestive heart failure. I am amazed by your family's strength and faith. And, you definitely have a wonderful testimony to share with others. And, I pray that your story will encourage others to become donors, have courage, and hope! I pray that God will continue to watch over you and your babies. My family has committed to pray for your family each night during our family prayer time. Sending you much love from TEXAS!

    1. You all have been through so very much but are so richly blessed! I have to say that it is, I believe, largely due to your parenting and faith in God. How unbelievable is your attitude, honesty and positive outlook! You both must have been dying on the inside but managed to keep your family strong and positive as well. I wept as I watched your story on dateline. I will pray for your family every moment you cross my mind. God bless you all! You have ALL taught the world about courage and hope. Thank you for sharing your story and I look forward to hearing updates as you continue this ride that we call life. Many blessings!

  14. I have been following your story and blog for quite some time and have been keeping your family in my daily prayers. So very happy you are all home now! I dvr'd the dateline special last night and am looking forward to watching it tonight. Thank you too for sharing your story. Many continued prayers for your family! God Bless!
