Sunday, May 5, 2013

81, Sunday Morning

Very active Saturday. Sierra played in the May Fete Parade, then we were all off to Santa Cruz for the day. A 'bucket list' item. Last night we had dinner with Lindsey's friend, Gilina.  She is a cute little 2nd grader who goes to the Hospital school. She has been fighting leukemia for about year and a half. Very nice family. Quick comment on the weather, it was very hot Saturday morning, so dressed accordingly to go to Santa Cruz.  By the time we arrived in Santa Cruz (crazy traffic) it had dropped about 25 degrees. We were NOT prepared for the cold. It's all good.
While we were there we saw our friends from 6.5 years ago. Trista and Shawn from Alaska; Angel, Ben, and Ava from Santa Rosa; and Matt and Shelly from Reno. Matt and Shelly's boy Curtis had a transplant 5 years ago, and passed away from coronary artery disease a couple of years ago. It was good to see everyone, and no one in the hospital. It was a first in many years. Seeing Matt brought back the reality of this thing. They seem to be doing well.


  1. Sierra, you look like one smooth jazz band player!

  2. Great to see you all out of the hospital as a family! Enjoy everyday! Love Aunt G

  3. The picture of the three girls and Hunter getting ready to get on the roller coaster has got to make a Dad proud. At least it makes this uncle proud - they are beautiful!
