Friday, May 3, 2013

79, Friday evening

First of all, Lindsey received another ZERO on her biopsy.  We love that! She is continuing to do well. Her last 2 week biopsy is on the 15th, then we will go to monthly. Sierra's biopsy will be next week and that will decide when/if we may be going home.
We had a funny experience yesterday. Over the months we have gotten to know the security guards and the other people that monitor the sidewalk crossings. One guy we see often but don't talk to much finally asked us, 'Do you work for the RMH transporting kids back and forth to the hospital'.
'Nope, they are all ours',
'Wow, you come here a lot with those kids',
Seldomly do we pass that guy with the same kid twice. It's always different combinations.

Tonight, Stacy and I taught swing and line dancing at the church.  The kids that were there seemed to have fun. I know our kids sure did.
I know Oregon people will not understand this, but it is going to be hard to leave here. We have all developed some really good friends here. Tonight was a good example of that.  There really are some very good people here, and life long friends.
We made a 'bucket list' of things we want to do before we go. Swim at the Vi, Family bike ride, Sleep over at friends, trip to Santa Cruz, Night walk through the hospital ground floor (the hall where they locked up little kids who were bad, Lindsey never got to go there), Finish our letters to the donor family, train ride to SF, go to the SF zoo, see Lindsey's old heart, and the list continues....
That's it for tonight.
 Got to love those cheeks.

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