Wednesday, May 1, 2013

77, Wednesday Evening

Lindsey had her 2 week biopsy today. Find out results tomorrow. Her pressures were slightly elevated but they were not alarmed, expected at this stage.  Megan and Sierra are deep into school with papers and projects going on. Been quite warm, mid to upper 80's. 
Couple fun activities lately. The management from the Vi, the fancy retirement place next door, came by and picked up RMH kids in this extended golf cart lookin' thing and took them to a little miniature golf place the center has.  It was nice and the kids had fun. Tonight they had a fun church activity at a local park. All good stuff.
I have been asked about the status of the possible genetic / environmental issues causing all this?  The question is still up in the air. All known environmental issues that could cause this have been tested and ruled out. The water has been tested and the kids don't have any nutritional deficiencies. At least as far as they can test. The genetic tests are still pending. The first round of tests they did months ago came up with no major cause. So they have drawn more blood from all the kids and are still going through it. Couple weeks ago, Kyla came by and said one of the tests came back negative but more are pending.  What makes it difficult is that there is no history of this anywhere in our families.   So, the way I see it, it has to be either genetic or environmental. It's just a matter of time before they/someone figures this out.
That's enough for tonight. Till next time.

At the Park
Hunter showing off is golf game. I taught him everything I know.
 At the Vi, playing golf.

Kids had a blast on this cardboard slide into the sand.


  1. Okay Lindsey Lou - that is quite a workout you are doing! But I am glad you have a water bottle handy - you definitely need to stay hydrated when you are working the triceps like that.
    And how about a golf game Hunter? You look as natural as your Dad does with that putter! But the best thing is the slide down the old canal thingy! Maybe you can try that at Wolf Creek or Pilcher here in a little while. Now that would be a ride!

  2. Golf? Did someone say golf? For sure James is going to want to come back--Hunter can be his new golfing buddy! (I'm not good enough! ;) Where is that slide? It looks scary!

    You guys continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily...

  3. Hello. A mutual blog reader came by and gave me the link to your blog. I can't wait to read through it!! My son, Owen, is 5 and waiting for a heart at LPCH. He has been on the list for a little over 8 months now.. so what is that? 290ish days? I've lost count! :) He is at home in Phoenix, stable, but we are coming up tomorrow the 3rd for clinic with Rosenthal. Tomorrow is the date we set to admit him to the CVICU and begin Milrinone therapy. I don't know if we'll stay in Palo Alto, or come back to Phoenix tomorrow... 50/50 chance for both. Just wanted to come by and say hello and I'm sure i'll be reading your blog from the airport. :)
