Monday, May 6, 2013

82, 'The Walk'

So we have done a couple more things we had listed on our 'Bucket List'. One was to go see Colette and her family. They invited us over to swim and have some fun. And our kids did just that. They had a ball swimming, playing and eating. It was so good to see one of Lindsey's dear friends she had met in the hospital, and to see them both out and having fun was very nice. 

Another thing on our list was 'The Walk'. This will sound odd, but we all wanted to walk down a few of the Stanford hallways that Lindsey and her Berlin were not allowed to do down. This was the basement floor hallway where they had the cages.  The cages they took little boys to who didn't mind their parents. We even found some coolers, one was a man size deep freeze cooler clear at the end of the hall that was cracked open. So we took a peek, from what I saw and smelled and reported back to Hunter, he had had enough!  He did not want anything to do with whatever was in that large man size cooler.  We then looked inside some of the cages but only saw dark glowing eyes looking back at us. Someday after Hunter recovers, I hope he can forgive us. We sure had a good time (especially Lindsey and her sisters). 

We also went to 3 West to say hi to the night nurses, Grace, Yvonne, Kristy, and English Tracy (who has now gone to nights). Today we saw Kim, Shannon, Denise, and Bambi. Lindsey LOVES to go to 3 West for visits, and they act like she is a royalty as she walks down the hallways.

Another bucket list item was the swing down in the gully behind the RMH. We are spending more and more time there. It just makes you feel like your out in the woods somewhere. I know your not, and it's probably very dangerous, but the kids love it, and I like the adventure to look around.

 Colette and Lindsey

 Colette's family
 On our way back from 'The Walk'
 Kim P
 Bambi (yes that is her real name)
 The gully


1 comment:

  1. Haha. I love how you say, "The gully is really fun, probably really dangerous... but whatever.." Also, I feel for Hunter. Those cages sound super creepy.
