Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sunday posting

This is a posting I did on Sunday, but I didn't have the internet.  I know it is out of sequence but I did it so deal with it.

April 21, 2013    
On the plane heading home to Oregon with Megan. We are going home for her North Powder 6th grade field trip. She is one excited kid.  I’m going along as a chaperone. I’ll admit, I am excited to be tagging along, as long as she doesn’t feel like I’m ‘tagging along’.  Our other kids have been a good sport about her going. Of course they would like to go (especially Hunter), but understand that they will have their turn. We will be home for a week, then flying back next Sunday.

More of the same this week for Stacy, school, clinic appointments, physical therapy, and 12 hour IVIG for Sierra on Thursday. Sierra has some heavy homework assignments this week. Hope she will be able to focus to get them done.

That was enjoyable yesterday to go south to Marina and spend time with Stacy Mom and Randy, and her Uncle Gary and Aunt Arlene.  I echo what Stacy said. Just to have all the kids in the suburban, seeing them in the pool, watching Lindsey swim around with that big ole’ scare down her chest. Sierra wasn’t swimming with that port, but had a really good attitude about it.

We have been asked several times about us possibly going home. Right now it all depends on Sierra’s antibody rejection, and the damage it is doing to the heart (increased heart pressures and coronary arteries). After her May 8th biopsy they will decide. If it is unchanged the earliest they may let us go is at the end May, just have to see.

That’s it for now.

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