Wednesday, April 24, 2013

70, Wednesday in Lincoln City

Jason and Megan here in Lincoln City.

We have had a very fun week so far. She was so excited to see all her North Powder friends. Sunday we made it back in time for Church. Had dinner with Justin and Emily (those kids love Megan). Then up on Monday for the 6th grade trip.  There are 22 kids in the class and 19 went on the trip. 6 boys and 13 girls. Riley, Donavan, Samuel, Marshall, Justin, Omar, Logan, Chelby, Riley, Sincerie, Paten, Darby, Rachelle, Jessica, Samantha, Rebecca, Megan, Maddie, and Skyler.  Adults are Gary and Laura Pointer, Carrie, Lisa, Stacey, Betsey, Angela, Minnie, Karen, and Mrs Coleman.  The kids that didn't come were Nicki, Cade, and Marcus.  Megan has really enjoyed herself.
On Monday we traveled to a museum across from Biggs in Washington, then to Newport. We spent the night at the Newport Aquarium.  We got to 'sleep with the sharks', then off the Hatfield Marine Center. Later on we went out on a boat and happen to see a few whales and looked around at 'Pier 14'. There we a lot of good lookin' crabs there.
Spending the next 2 nights in a really nice house in Lincoln City. Today (Wednesday) we went to the tide pools at Yaquina Head and toured the light house.  We then hit the beach with the wind a blowing.  Some kids waded and others played volleyball.
Tomorrow, we are heading to the zoo then heading home.  It has been really fun!  Sure glad we came home for it.  Things are well in California, I think.  Clinic appointments were okay.

 At Museum

 Sleeping in the 'Shark Tank'

 At Yaquina Lighthouse.
 Hitting the beach



  1. Thanks for posting pics of the trip! I was supposed to go but had to change plans last minute :( Seeing the pics made me smile :) Hmm, no pics from my 'kids'.....Looks like lots of fun AND great weather! How was Mo's? So happy Meghan was able to be with her class!!! God bless all, M.

  2. What fun--so glad you were able to go, Megan!

  3. I ran into Megan at Albertsons this evening, it was a great surprise to see a face I wasn't expecting to see!
