Tuesday, April 23, 2013

69 - Sergio's Turn

Yesterday was an exciting day for Sergio.  He finally received his heart.  He has had a long battle and was placed on the double Berlin (right and left sides) in the middle of September.  About a 7 month wait for his family.  There are two more people that we know that were in the wait with us, who have not received their hearts yet.  They are not quite to Lindsey's time line.  But, we still see the parents around the RMH and feel their frustration.  Our heart aches for them, knowing exactly how if feels to see another person get their heart, and there they sit still waiting. One happens to be Lindsey's friend Leif.  Yesterday was his birthday, so we stopped by to say Hi.  We were able to take some pretty cute pictures of them.

This evening, Art "the clown" came by and helped the kids make clown hats.  It was very nice of him.  The kids really enjoyed it.  Gage was sporting his around later tonight.  He kept wanting to pull some of the toys off to play with them.  I had to explain that once he pulled them off, they don't go right back on. He was pretty cute about it.  That is all for us for now.  Lindsey has clinic early tomorrow and Sierra has early morning Jazz Band.  So, we will hit the ground running in the morning.

Jason and Megan sound like they are having a really good time.  I am so glad.  Megan needed a little R and R ( Not that Sierra couldn't use some too).

Lindsey and Leif

 The kids sporting their new clown hats.  Art is pictured with them below.

Gage's true character coming out.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for Sergio! A double Berlin - that is amazing. I am so glad he made it and I hope his special day went great.
    Sierra - Should I help arrange a jazz concert with Michone and Ashley this summer at the family reunion? Clarinet and Saxophone??
    Good luck with IVIG today.
