Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 61, Tax Season is over!

April 15, 2013

We are due for a Daddy update. It’s 6:50 pm and I am flying high over the Idaho / Nevada deserts.  It’s the last day of tax season, and it’s always a good feeling to have all the tax clients accounted for (I think….I hope). It’s been a challenging and crazy tax season starting back on February 1st. You think about all that has happened in the last 2 months, transplant, biopsies, rejection, tests, games, and a very busy tax season on top of that. Stacy has done a great job keeping the fort down.  Our clients have been very understanding as we worked through an interesting set of circumstances.  I have been traveling back to Oregon every other week to try to keep with the tax load. I was always able to work in Calif, but being in the office in Oregon I was able to work longer and stay focused. The last 2 trips home have been particularly ‘focused’. I squeezed every bit of work into the last 8 days in Oregon. Hopefully we are taking good care of our clients, if not, we are giving it the ole ‘Aggie Try’ anyway.
It’s been strange living in our house in Oregon by myself.   Each trip home I bring home a suit case or 2 of clothes, shoes, books, or other cute ‘stuff’ we have either grown out of or don’t have the room for at the RMH. There is a pile of ‘stuff’ in the extra bedroom, Megan’s room has an enormous pile of miscellaneous clothes on the floor. I gave up trying to separate out who’s clothes were who’s.  Besides, they have all grown out of those clothes anyway.  So the pile keeps on growing.  You could loose a small child in there now. Lindsey’s bed has an impressive stuffed animal collection on it. It almost fills the bed, we need just a few more before the bed buckles. Hunter and Gage’s room has clothes I have taken out of storage. Over the months I have made attempts to dig out and find clothes for the boys to where. I have given up on that as well. Back in July when I was concerned (scared) of environmental issues, I loaded up most of our old furniture and took it to the dump. So since July, the only furniture we have in our living room is the dinner table and chairs, a few night stands, and a banana chair. But that is all I have needed. It’s strange to say, but I am almost (not quite) but almost used to living in that house alone.  Next month it will have been a year since Stacy and Lindsey has been there. The kids haven’t been there since the summer.  It definitely could use a woman’s touch (especially the bathrooms). I guess it isn’t good enough to just flush the toilets every other week and call it good. For some reason the toilet in our bathroom doesn’t work. Whatever. Maybe the little genie will come clean it up for me  before Stacy gets back J. 
My mother has a done a great job watching over the place, watering the plants, and keeping it secure.   I won’t lie, it has been hard on my parents to live next door and see a lifeless house just sit there month after month.  It’s a daily reminder to them of the situation their grandkids are in.  They have done a great job supporting us, I love and respect them very much.
During tax season, the days at home were something like this. Get up way too early and attempt to exercise (heavy on the attempt).  Stoke the fire, yes it is still cold in Oregon.  Clean up and out the door by 6:20. Dad would give me a ride to North Powder to catch a ride with my brother Justin who left for Baker at 6:30. Remember, our rigs are in Calif so I was getting rides everywhere with whoever I could find.  It always worked out. Work all day, then catch a ride with Dad or the last ride I could find out of Baker. My dear mother would have something for Dad and I to eat between 9-10.  Go home, stoke the fire again, call the crew, and call it a day. Sunday I went out with Jake, Roper and Dad to help feed cows. I sure enjoy getting out and seeing the cows, baby calves, and how the farm ground is doing. But most of the time I am just home to work. I enjoy working with my clients. Each one has a unique and sometimes complicated situation. It’s like a puzzle to figure out how best to help the clients with their financial issues.

As always, it's good to see our friends and family back home. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our little life, we forget about all the good people that read our blog, pray for us, and support us in so many ways. Going home is a great reminder.  Then you hear about what happened in Boston.  Unbelievable....
Kids are doing good, I think. Lindsey calls me the most just to check in. “Hi Dad, it me….. I just wanted to call and see how your taxes are going”.  Lindsey seems to be doing great. I am coming back to Oregon in a week with Megan. She has the North Powder 6th grade field that she has been invited to go on. She is WAY excited.  The school asked if I was available to help chaperone, so what the heck.  I think it’s still okay to have your parents there, but we will have to see. 

I know school has been tough for Sierra. The classes are challenging along with all the distractions going on with her heart.  I think she is holding up, but she has a lot on her plate. The thought of re-transplant has to scare her, but she acts so calm about it. I know she leans heavily on the strength of her parents, especially her mother.
The boys are boys.  They need room to run and do their thing. I need to spend some time with Hunter. As a 6 year old, he can require a lot of attention. And Gage is hilarious! I sure hope his little heart can hang on. It would be devastating to our family if he was to turn. As a 4 year old on a transplant list, he would wait for a very long time, at least a year, given his size, and blood type (O). We would NEVER be able to leave his side. The longer his little heart can last the better.  For now he is good, he eats lousy, and has occasional tummy aches (grr), but seems to be holding.

Stacy could use a husband. She has been managing the crew solo for a long time. Sure love that woman.
Plane is about to land. Thanks for letting me ramble. If you made it this far, you must have had some time.
Excited to see the family.



  1. Jason, it is never considered rambling.... just true concerns, worries, and great thoughts for each of us to help pray for. In many ways your words make us stronger in our own daily lives of living and definitely more spiritual with our prayers. Our support for each of you is continuously there and yes even if its a helping hand to whip that beautiful home in to welcoming shape with clean functioning bathrooms.... we are all here for you!!! :) We are also so excited about being able to enjoy some Bingham time on the field trip. Loves to each you and welcome back to Cali home.... with the tax season stress and overload behind you.What a great relief.... you all made it!!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. It's not rambling, just honest thoughts. It is easy to forget all that goes into life and living, even outgrown clothes and toilets. Life doesn't stop just because of a crisis. Congrats on finishing another tax season. You do have a great family all the way around. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. We still pray for your family. You guys are amazing.

  4. "Ramble" all you want for cryin out loud! I for one LOVE to read it! It's great to read all the positives going on in the Bingham family. It's also good to be reminded there is still need for prayers. Thank You Lord for everything. God Bless Us All.

  5. I wish I lived closer to your house in OR. I'd love to go help clean and organize or whatever. :) (I couldn't do much about the non-working toilet...)Then I would feel like I was doing something for you guys--You've been through so much...I hope things continue to go well for all the kids! You and Stacy are an inspiration!!

  6. Still reading every day, though I may not always respond!! Stacy and you are an amazing team, and great role models for your kids....and the rest of the world, for that matter!!! Keep up the good work, you guys are an inspiration to all of us...including the kids. They are special, and don't even know it!! Kuddos to Grama and Granpa B. and all they do'd never know anything is sideways, they just keep on ticking!! Like I say over and over, those Bingham's are tough as nails!! Love to all.

  7. Dear Bingham Gang, Laughter is good for you! Here....have a dose. Continued love and prayers! Mike and Dale
    Q: What did Mickey Mouse say when Minnie Mouse asked if he was listening?
    A:I ’m all ears!

    Q: Why did Mickey Mouse carry an umbrella?
    A: It was raining cats and dogs

    Q: Why did Mickey Mouse go to the doctor?
    A: He was having Disney spells!

    Q: Why didn't Winnie-the-Pooh order dessert?
    A: He was already stuffed.

    Q: What do Winnie-the-Pooh and Bozo the Clown have in common
    A: The same middle name.
