Thursday, April 18, 2013

63, Biopsy and homework

Lindsey had a biopsy today. Stacy and Sierra talked her into doing it awake. That's a big deal. Stephanie and Holly, a couple of fellow doctors that took care of her back in the Berlin days, came in specifically for her. It was really nice of them. Lindsey cried during the procedure but held still and didn't scream. That good right? They recommended she do it again awake.  The first time can be pretty scary. It was sure cute to her her and Sierra compare biopsy stories.  Her heart pressures were fine, and we will get results tomorrow.

Sierra just finished a paper for Social Studies a little after midnight. I can't believe how much homework this school dishes out. She is trying her best, but the homework just keeps coming. Stacy and I feel bad for her.  Tonight there was a church activity she attended, and she has paid a heavy price for attending it.  I know she is frustrated. Megan seldomly has homework and is always out playing basketball or other activities, while Sierra is pushing through math problems, english book reports, social studies research papers, or science assignments.  She will make it, but it has sure been a struggle for her, especially tonight.




  1. Sierra, You really ROCK! You are an amazing sister. When I read that you had to stay up late to finish your homework because you went to a church activity, it made me really admire you all the more. I wanted to send homwork jokes to you but there is really nothing funny about tons of homework (been there, done that. Instead I decided to send you some silly teacher/pupil jokes. Hang in there! Love Sister Mike

    Teacher: What are you reading ?
    Pupil: I don't know
    Teacher: But your reading aloud .
    Pupil: But I'm not listening !

    Teacher: Can you tell me something important that didn't exist 100 years ago ?
    Pupil: Me !

    Teacher: Name two pronouns ?
    Pupil: Who ?, me ?

    Teacher: What's an American Indian's wife called ?
    Pupil: A squaw
    Teacher: That's right, and what are their babies called ?
    Pupil: Squawkers !

  2. To Sierra, I know this may not make you feel any better now, but you will have SUCH an easier transition when you start college because of what you're learning now. It does pay off. You'll see. Keep your head up. We love you.

  3. I have been saying to my kids that they are lucky not coming home with tons of homework. When I lived in California we had homework from every class every night! School is a lot harder there than here for sure. I am sorry that she is having to go through all of that homework. I am so happy that everyone is doing good.
