Thursday, April 18, 2013

64, Grocery Shopping

Lindsey got another zero on her biopsy. Can't get better than that. They turned down her prednisone from 11 mg to 10, small adjustment in the right direction.

Other than that that, it was our new 'norm' today. School, work, meds, homework. Tonight I took the boys grocery shopping (what an amazing husband) while Stacy took the girls to the church for a quilt tying service project. I would go grocery shopping any day over tying quilts. I think tying quilts, going fabric shopping, and picking raspberries all rank on the top 5 ways to make time come to a stand still. Just ask my mother.  So the boys and I had fun picking out milk, bread, flour, oranges and marshmallows.

Tomorrow night Stacy and I speak at a hospital fund raiser. The fund raiser is for the Heart Center Fellowship program. Great doctors like Ashwin, Ashok, Stephanie, Holly, and others came here under this and other similar programs. Each one had and still has a huge impact on our lives. They are good people that have taken a real interest in our little Princess and others. Tomorrow or Saturday I will report who the host was at the event. I don't want to say until we have the picture to prove it.

 Lindsey heading in for her Biopsy....Awake!  It may be a while before we attempt that again. I guess she was a bit 'theatrical' (cried a LOT).

 Youth church group activity at the LDS Temple in Oakland
 Lindsey with her new friend, Gilina.  Gilina's Mom told Stacy that Lindsey was the first friend Gilina has had in the hospital school in over a year. Lindsey makes her feel good.  
 Gage-a-real-eous during Lindsey's lunch break at the hospital
Another picture of Lindsey heading off for her biopsy. She was pretty nervous to do it awake. She really got herself wound up.


  1. Great news on the biopsy! So happy to read about your family getting to do just normal stuff, I can only imagine how good that must feel to you. god bless your family and we pray that things will continue in the right direction. love, the Hamann's

  2. Zero Dance Baby! nice job lindsey on doing your biopsy awake, you and sierra are much braver than your old aunt here! I am REAL proud of you! Keep stayin positive and working hard, I know that God has and will help you through the difficult times. Thanks for all the great pictures, Megan just looks thrilled, and Sierra really does look thrilled! Love You ALL and pray for you throughout the days. Love Aunt G
