Friday, April 19, 2013

65, What a day

It was an exciting day today. Blood draws, school and work for part of the day. Then at 2:00 things got a cookin'. My great college friend Leah showed up with 120 high school students to sing and perform here at the RMH.  She had been planning this for months. They did an awesome job. All the kids loved it. Good to see Leah, kick around the old days, then they were on there way. They had other performances and activities planned for the Bay Area.

We dropped off the kids at the Zengers for a sleep over. Then Stacy and I dressed up and went to the hospital fundraiser. There was a cocktail at 6:30, dinner at 7:15, and the program started at 8:30.  There were 4-600 people there we think. A LOT! Doctor Roth (the head of the CVICU) from the CVICU spoke about LPCH, the Heart Center, the Fellowship program, and then introduced us. Stacy and I talked for about 8 minutes telling our story and our experience 'living' at the hospital for 8 months. It felt good to help give back to the hospital that has done so much for our little family.

After our little spill, the MC came up for his usual monologue, the one and only Jay Leno. It fun to listen to Jay give his 'stand-up' that we are all used to hearing on the Tonight Show.  After the entertainment, and giving plenty of time for the alcohol to settle into everyone's blood stream, the auction began. There were only 5-6 items on the list but they all went for between 15,000 and 110,000. All to help the Heart Center at LPCH.

Afterwards we were able to meet and get a picture with Jay. We also meet a lot of other people that were moved by our story.  My picture did not turn out well, but a good picture is coming later.

Kids are gone for the night, so why am I still typing.
Good night!
 Lindsey and Celeste. Of all the students singing, she sang directly to Lindsey Lou. Lindsey instantly fell in love with her. Thanks Celeste.
 Our good friend, Leah and one of her students.
 The whole gang from Taylorsville, Utah at the RMH

 Yip, that's Jay

 Yip, That's Lindsey and Ashwin on the overhead fundraiser board.
 A lousy Picture of us with Jay. Better picture coming later.

   The band afterwards.


  1. So many amazing experiences your family has had through this journey, and so many inspiring moments your family has given to others through it all! Such a blessing all the way around!

  2. Wow, what an amazing way to be able to give back to LPCH and yet another way to add strength to your lives and to many others. Thank you for taking time to do so and not have stage fright!!! Love you each for being so special... xoxoxoxo
