Saturday, April 20, 2013

66-Grandma and Grandpa

Today we went on our furthest venture south of Palo Alto, ever.  It was very thrilling and enjoyable to have everyone in the suburban together, going further than 15 min.  We went to the coast to a place called Marina.  My mom had set this trip up a year and a half ago with her brother.  How convenient that we happened to still be here.  The kids were very excited, especially for the swimming pool.  Lindsey has been begging to swim since her VAD sites have officially healed.  Sierra could not swim because of her port.  She waded in the water of the kiddie pool.  The kids had a ball, swimming for quite a while.  We made them get out for lunch and they wanted to go right back in. We convinced them to go to the beach instead.  We flew kites, played Frisbee and dodged the waves.  We closed the evening off looking at the fun video and pictures my Aunt Arlene took of their trip. It was enjoyable to see the landscape of other parts of California.  The more "rural" areas we didn't know existed.  Our tour of California has consisted of San Francisco to Santa Cruz.  It was refreshing to see horses eating in a pasture, cattle grazing in a field, and  orchards.  I might of gotten just a "little" home sick.

  However,  I think my most enjoyable moment of the day was sitting back and watching everyone swim (Sierra wade).  It has been since the first part of June last year when we were all swimming together.  Lindsey is looking a little different in her swimming suit today then she did back then.  A moment that I wanted to take a picture of in my mind and treasure it forever! Unfortunately, our camera wasn't working so I didn't get a picture.  Oh how I will never take things for granted.  I don't know what our future holds, but I hope there are many more of these treasured days to come. Thank you Arlene, Gary, Mom and Randy for a great day!


  1. Yes, it is hard to believe outside of the big Cali cities lies agricultural areas just like home!! Always a joy to hear about those Lindsey "first" moments...and such a blessing. We pray for more blessed days filled with joyous memories to last a lifetime, too. Stacy, hope this week goes smooth on your end with having a few less, but I know you will miss them each and every day. Thank you for letting this happen, I know the kiddos are super excited. Hopefully they don't drive Jason crazy!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. I love this post! It reminds me of how precious time spent together with family is truly a gift not to be taken for granted. I love you all,glad you enjoyed swimming Linds, and good luck this week!
    Aunt G

  3. I agree with Aunt G - what a fun time together. I expecially love the first group photo.
    Sierra, good luck with all the homework. Only a few weeks left :)
