Saturday, April 13, 2013

59-Fun Day

Today we had a wonderful day.  It was a beautiful, sunny day here.  We decided to take a bike ride to the park, where there was a fundraiser we had been invited to.  It was hosted by our wonderful friends, the Zenger's.  Sierra and Megan are really good friends with their two daughters, Nori and Mia.  This was Lindsey's first time on a bike in almost a year.  She has been really antsy to get on a bike.  The doctors wanted her to wait 2 months, but preferred 3 to make sure her chest was well healed.  We opted for 2.  Last time her and I went on a bike ride, we were returning from a friends house here in Palo Alto in June of last year.  She had not been admitted to the hospital yet, but would be the next day.  She couldn't go very fast at all and had to take a lot of breaks.  When we finally did get back to the RMH, she was exhausted and took a really long nap.  Today, was a completely different story.  She was riding fast enough to keep up with her sisters.  She made it up all the steep hills without having to stop.  When we got to the park, she was as perky and lively as anyone.  When we returned to the RMH, she had plenty of energy.  Another reminder of how miraculous a transplant is and the quality of life it can give our children. 

A great day to be greatful for being out of the hospital and together as a family. Missing daddy terribly and look forward to his return Monday night. How blessed we are every time we turn around.  A quick couple side notes,  Lindsey's VAD sites are completely healed.   She took her first shower in a very long time on Friday morning.  Hunter wanted to make sure that I mentioned that he has his first loose tooth and a second next to it (he is VERY excited).


  1. Congratulations miss Lindsey on your shower and bike ride. I take so much for granted. Congrats to Hunter too.

  2. I love to read posts like this. What a blessing a regular day can be! Congrats to Hunter! There is nothing more exciting than losing your first tooth! (at least in his world right now) So thankful that it can be an exciting event, and that Lindsay is making such great progress.

  3. What a great day! YAY will be singing that song..ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS ARE MY TWO FRONT TEETH!

  4. Lucky you to enjoy nice weather! Oh the joys of California living, huh? :) So glad everyone seems to be doing well, and you are able to get out together.

    I've been doing the single mom thing for about 3 days while James is out of town, and I. AM.EXHAUSTED. I don't know how you do it weeks at a time with appointments, school activities, loose teeth :) etc.

  5. Way to go Linds on rockin the bike outing! I bet it felt soooo good to shower again! And Hunter I am glad it is you loosing the tooth and not me! That would look a little funny huh! Have a good week! Garrity

  6. We read your blog every day and are so thrilled to hear you had a great day and everyone is doing well. Keep on being awesome and inspiring. We'll keep those prayers coming!

  7. Oh wow, what a blessing!!! I love hearing about all those fursts! Congrats to Hunter on those loose teeth....perhaps close to a Tooth Fairy visit...I believe one of the last visits was to a sweet little Princess in the hospital. Keep trucking along Lindsey Lou. Has she scheduled in a swim date yet? Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
