Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 48, Tuesday - Spring Break

We have all been really enjoying spring break. Yesterday Stacy took the crew along with Nori and Mia Zenger to Half Moon Bay.  Then last night we all played night games out behind the RMH. Our 5 plus 3 other kids played kicked the can and sardines. We all had a great time! Gage had a ball kicking the 'can' anytime he could. Lindsey was one of the last ones to be found. She was hiding under a bush right next to the 'can' and I never saw her. I saw plenty of other kids that were hiding right next to her, but they never blew her cover. It was pretty funny.

Today, Lindsey had PT, then they all went over to Liz Niccums. Liz and Stacy went to some workout gym and got all hot and sweaty. (I'm good with that).  I left Sierra in charge and headed off to my palace on Page Mill Road. Stacy and Liz then took the crew to SF to enjoy the day. They had a great time.

Tax season is going well.  Still really busy. It is good to be here in California with the family. Next week I will be back in Oregon for the home stretch of tax season leading up to April 15.

 The crew with Nate and Ruby.

 Got to love those predisone cheeks. They are not done yet.
 More beach play

 How often will you do this with your children.
More details on this later.
I will let you ponder this one.


  1. you played kick the can which I also played when I was a kid. But I have never heard of sardines. How do you play that one. my email is kashe195@gmail.com would love an answer

  2. Wow Gods so good! Everyone looks so good! Keeping your family in my prayers. Blessings from Oregon :-)

  3. your family is amazing and I will keep praying for all of you

  4. So, Stacy is showing/explaining a video that has the attention of all 5 (even Gage, and that is saying something!) She has stopped it about 1/3 of the way through and is explaining it. The screen is showing what appears to be some kind of muscle tissue but not very large.
    I have no idea what is going on! Unless.... that is not by chance a doctor explaining Lindsey's old heart??
