Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 46, Easter Sunday

Been a very nice Easter Sunday. I flew in Saturday morning and it was great to see Lindsey running down the sidewalk at the San Jose Airport to great me. She looks and acts great. Her cheeks are getting puffier from the prednisone but that is expected. Her attitude is good and she loves to eat.  Her favorite foods right now are chips and salsa (mild), dill pickles, and green salad, pretty much any salty foods she is craving. Not sure why, probably gets it from her grandmother. Sierra is doing great, she looks and acts fine. Again, Thursday will tell us which direction, if any, she is going.

Right now Gage, is wondering around avoiding going to bed. He eats on occasion. Wish he ate a lot more. This morning after breakfast he said,'my tummy hurts'. I really really really hate it when he says that. But he ate good this evening and is acts good most of the time. 

On Saturday the Zengers took all 5 kids while Stacy and I walked 'The Dish'. It's a popular 3-4 mile loop up to an old satellite dish above Stanford. Lots of people walk/jog the loop and I can see why. There are deer, cattle, jack rabbits, a good view of the city, and tons of ground squires that need to have there destine explained to them.  Uncle Justin, Jake, Nick and I could have a hay day with our .22 and .17.  Stacy and I really enjoyed getting out, walking and talking.

Saturday evening we drove to Fremont to meet up with my ole college friends the Ripplingers.  They came to visit us way back to June when Lindsey was first put on the Berlin and Gage was getting the pacemaker.  A LOT has happened since then.  They are here to pick their daughter up from a field trip and spend some time for spring break.  Sure good to see them.

Nice Easter Sunday. It was good to go to church and reflect on the true meaning of today. I am grateful Jesus Christ and his life, suffering, death, and resurrection.  It gives our life direction and purpose.

This evening we were invited to the Daines for dinner. It was very enjoyable. He is a professor of business law at Stanford, but you wouldn't guess it. Just a happy fun loving family. I did had another one of those moments. We were sitting in their dinning room talking and I happen to look outside where the kids were playing, and it hit me. That right there is what we had prayed for. It was a scene we couldn't even image for 8 months. Couldn't even comprehend it, and just like that, there it was. Five kids out playing. I know it's not that big of a deal, but it was.  And once again, I was grateful for the small things we all take for granted.

 The Dish
 Cute little buggers aren't they?
 What do you think Uncle Justin?
 Hunter at a friend's birthday party Saturday noonish.
 Gage at his heart appointment last week. The green froggy thing on his chest reads the pacemaker.

 Sierra and Lindsey at Short Stay getting their IV treatments last week.
Roper and Uncle Jay back home on the Owhyee River.
No, I wasn't there, but Roper wanted our kids to see the fish he caught.


  1. Sounds like your Easter Sunday was blessed in many ways. We are thankful that your family was able to celebrate this holiday outside ALL TOGETHER! Looks like the day was a beautiful day for a nice walk....filled with a little Eastern Oregon atmosphere!!! :) praying for a fantastic week filled with more blessings. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. Those pics are priceless Jason...and you are exactly right....that scene out the window of your 5 kids playing and having fun and being kids...that is exactly what it is all about. I, too, am so grateful for our Lord Jesus Christ and his gift of life to all of us. Hope you all have a great week...especially on Thursday. Will be praying, of course!! Rejoice, He is Risen, Risen Indeed!

  3. Here's to more days of blessings that will continue to bring happiness, joy, and strength to each of your lives. Hope your Spring break is fantastic and we look forward to hearing about how the days went and hoping for more pics highlighting the fun activities... wishing our break was still going. We are having beautiful spring days, maybe Jason brought some of the Cali sun home with him last week. :) Love you all...xoxoxoxo
