Wednesday, April 3, 2013

49, Day before tomorrow

Lindsey had a clinic appointment and Bernstein made a few med adjustments.  Her blood pressure has been slightly higher and they made a small adjustment, really no big deal.

To explain Sherrie...sardines is hide-n-go-seek in reverse. One kid goes and hides. Then the rest of us spread out and look for that person.  When you find the hider, you hide with them. The last one to find the group gets scared.....and we call that is fun.

And Josh, you are dang close.

Tomorrow is Sierra and Lindsey's biopsy. Sierra checks in to Short Stay at 7:00 and will go in at 8:00.  They will go in through the leg to look at her coronary arteries and heart pressures, and of course they will take samples to test for cellular and antibody rejection. Should take about an hour. Lindsey checks in at 7:30 into the pre-op with her biopsy at 9:00. So one of us will go with Sierra and the other with Lindsey. Should be interesting. Frankly I'm trying really hard to stay calm and not worry. The last thing our kids need is a Daddy who is not acting calm and collected. Tomorrow will tell us what direction Sierra's heart is heading and if the treatments are working or if they need to repeat the whole thing with added treatments (which will extend our stay).  Tonight my prayers to my Father in Heaven will be pretty sincere.


  1. Your blog always reminds me to "not sweat the small stuff" and it's all small stuff...compared to what you guys are challenged with everyday!! Our Father has blessed you with absolutely wonderful, precious, awesome kids....and has blessed your kids with wonderful, precious, awesome parents!! You remind us everyday to appreciate the simple things in life, and to cherish each minute of everyday. I'm praying the Lord will watch over the girls, keep them safe from harm, will guide the direction of all those medical folks involved in treating them tomorrow, and am especially praying for good reports for everyone. God Bless you all!

  2. Prayers for nothing but GREAT reports tomorrow! God bless your amazing family. love The Hamann's

  3. Praying with you! Love and prayers from Korea!
