Thursday, April 4, 2013

50, Biopsy day

Kids did great on their biopsies. Sierra went in at eight and was out a nine.  Lindsey went in at 9:15. 

So Sierra's heart pressures are unchanged at 18, meaning all those treatments did not improve the heart's pressures. They may go down over time, but not yet. Pressures are not worse, but they are not better either. Her coronary arteries are slightly restricted from her last test 6 months ago, but Perry didn't seem to concerned on that. No decisions have been made. They want to wait and see what her rejection levels are and assess from there.  We will know tomorrow on the cellular rejection, but not till Monday or Tuesday for the antibody rejection. Stacy and I have been trying to prepare ourselves for less than perfect news, but it is still hard to take. Sierra seemed to take it well, she knows this wasn't the answer we were hoping for.  Stacy was told the news by Dr. Perry while I was down waiting for Lindsey. Then Stacy told Sierra and I in her recovery room in the Short Stay Unit.

As I was going down to be with Lindsey in her recovery, I took a few moments to let out my emotions.  You have to be strong in front of the kids, but also find somewhere to breakdown and rebuild.  I've been good ever since.

Lindsey did great in her biopsy. Her pressures are normal and we will find out the results in the days to come.  We wrapped everything up at the hospital around 2:00, I went to the office and Stacy went home with the kids.

Tonight we are going out with our old college friends, the Ripplingers. We are going somewhere, not sure where, but somewhere.

Just remember, the kids are fine. Sierra is acting well, her blood pressure and pulse are normal, she is eating well, energy is okay. We just don't know where this is going to lead.

Sierra heading in.
Heidi's eyes really were open, she just blinked.
 Lindsey getting ready to go in


  1. Sorry that it wasn't lower, but stable is better than getting worse. Maybe it will just take a little bit more time to start coming down.

  2. Continued love and prayers coming your way from the Olsen's every single day. You are in our hearts!

  3. All those beautiful'd you get so lucky Jason? LOL!! There was no bad news, and status quo ain't too bad, so, all in all, it was a good day!! The girls look and feel good, tomorrow is a new day, full of hope and the sweet smell of Spring!! We're enjoying an evening shower, you can almost hear things growing, and getting greener!! Prayers will continue for each one of you and for good news in the days ahead!!

  4. And some more Jokes from the Olsen Clan!

    What animal has more lives than the cat?
    A frog, he croaks every night.

    What happens when a frog’s car breaks down?
    He gets toad away.

    What do you get if you cross a crocodile with a flower?
    I don't know, but I'm not going to smell it!

    Why did the one-handed man cross the road?
    To get to the second-hand shop!

    How do you make a band stand?
    Hide all their chairs!

    What do you call a boy mermaid?
    A merdude!

    With love, Dale and Mike

  5. I've been following your family blog since last June. I think your family is amazing, and beautifully well rounded and adjusted. My husband went to high school with Stacy although she probably wouldn't recognize him now, hahaha! I also just read another story recently about a 12 yr old boy who passed away due to heart failure. His father gave an amazing talk at his funeral. He talked about all the tender mercies The Lord placed in their life to help them while they were going through the toughest trial of their lives. I believe our savior is doing the same for your family. If you want to read more about his talk go Facebook and look up Mitchell's journey. My love and prayers continue for your sweet family.,,love the Gibbons family, Chris, Laura, Hayden, Ryker & Paxton.

  6. Stacy looks so good in that hospital cap . . . can you say photogenic? I don't think I've seen a bad pic of her. Sheesh!

    I thought I'd share a scripture that I've been thinking about. Phillipians 4: 6-7. This translation is the NAB.

    Have no anxiety at all, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

  7. So good to see color in Lindsey's cheeks and a smile on her face! Love the pics.

