Saturday, April 6, 2013

52, Saturday results

Received reports on the cellular rejection for Lindsey and Sierra. We are doing the Zero dance with Lindsey. That is 2 zero's in a row now. She is doing and acting great!  Sierra received a 1B, which is the same score she received back in February (4 being the worst). Given her heart pressures staying the same, it is no surprise her rejection level is also unchanged.  I will be surprised if her antibody rejection has changed but who knows.  We should have those results back before her clinic appointment on Wednesday, April 10th.  We are guessing that is when they will make or at least discuss any plans for our oldest daughter.

Please understand, Sierra looks and acts great.  They all do!  This is just our new 'temporary' norm for now, I guess. 

Megan had a couple of basketball games today, Sierra baby sat at the Harts, Boys and Lindsey played around, Stacy ran around being a Mom, and I got a little work done. Just another day in paradise.  We still don't take for granted (and probably won't for a while) that we can all get into the suburban, go to Megan's basketball game, then go out for ice cream, get gas in the rig, pickup some groceries, then head home to watch a movie with the kids, say prayers with all 5 kids in one room, read scriptures, and tuck them into bed.  Never once did we get a call from 3 West wondering where we were. Still very grateful. 


  1. God has brought your family so far already.... Praise God! I have been following your amazing journey and must say I can see the hands of God all over this so remember God has already figured this out you just have to walk it out. You are a strong family and your faith is strong love to you and your family from La Grande xoxoxoxo!

  2. There is the story of how silver is refined by putting it in a very hot fire to burn out the impurities. As it burns, the "Refiner" must stay close and watch! At the right time...when the process is finished...the "Refiner" knows it is complete when he can see his image in the silver. We have all walked with you and your family as you have led us through the refining process of a very celestial family pulling together with your hand in the "Refiner's". I do not know when the process will be complete...but we can see "HIS IMAGE" in YOUR lives and examples.
    Thank you for your FAITH and complete TRUST in Heavenly Father. We have seen his many tender mercies upon your family, just when you needed it. HE is aware of you and is watching closely as you are enduring the "fire". We will never forget the tender mercies of the Lord as you have gone through this calculated refine and bless your family. And it remind us of our blessings too.
    Much love to you and your kids that are growing up in front of the camera!

  3. Amen Brother!!!!

  4. Here is some Old Testament humor:

    Q: How did Jonah feel when he was swallowed by the whale?
    A: Down in the mouth.

    Q: What time of day was Adam born?
    A: A little before Eve.

    Q: Why was Goliath astonished when David hit him with a stone?
    A: Because such a thing had never entered his head before.
    Q: When Goliath is resurrected, should you tell him this joke?
    A: No - he already fell for it once.

    Q: Did Adam ever have a date with Eve?
    A: No. It was an apple.

    Q: What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why they no longer lived in Eden?
    A: Your mother ate us out of house and home.

    Q: Why did Moses wander for 40 years in the wilderness?
    A: Even then, men wouldn't ask for directions.

    Q: What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
    A: "It's Christmas, Eve." (OK so Christmas didn’t happen until the New Testament, but I still thought the joke was cute---M)

    Continued love and prayers, Mike and Dale

  5. I know that your trials are not over, but I am so grateful to see that you can have good times and experience life all together again. That makes such a difference! God bless you all, and keep it up!

    K Bradford
