Monday, April 8, 2013

54 - Sierra's results

Today we received the final word on Sierra's antibody rejection.  And drum roll please....It is unchanged.  We are not surprised at this finding.  In fact, we would have been surprised if it was changed.  Here is the summarized treatment we are doing now.  She will not do plasma pheresis (for now).  They will keep her port in until her next biopsy, which will be in May.  They will again decide after that biopsy whether to take it out or not.  She will be started on another immuno suppressive drug called Cellcept.  There has been some success found in adding a 3rd line of suppression of the immune system.  Lindsey is presently on this drug and Sierra has been on it before.  Sierra has clinic and an echo on Wednesday and they will be watching her more frequently.  I don't know yet what "frequently" quite means, but we will take it one week at a time.  They are mentioning a possibility of another transplant, but do not feel it is anytime soon.  She is acting great and is not showing any symptoms of the heart being under stress.  If she starts showing signs of congestive heart failure (we are pretty sensitive to those), then we are to let them know immediately and we will then discuss a transplant.  We could have months to years before having to visit this.  We seriously cannot plan more than the week ahead of us.  We are learning to live that way.  It has been a stretch for my major control freak side of me.  But hey, it is best just to go with the flow, right? 

Lindsey is doing awesome! They turned her steroids down a little bit more.  Each negative biopsy she gets, her steroids gets turned down.  The idea is that by their year anniversary, if all has gone well, they are completely off of steroids.  Lindsey has therapy, clinic and an IV infusion this week.  It actually is a pretty light week for her. 

Her little sassy self is coming out of those cute puffy cheeks more and more.  Tonight we were eating dinner, I was in the middle of asking Hunter to wash his plate off and put it in the dish washer.  She interrupted me and told him on top of what I had already asked him what else he should be doing.  I explained to her, "I got this Lindsey, thank you though."  She smiled and said, "Well why does Sierra get to do it?" I explained the age difference and the idea that Dad and I are always boss.  Sierra steps in when babysitting.  She just grinned with those cute prednisone cheeks.  Good to have her back!!

Jason made it back home to Oregon yesterday to finish out the last grueling week of tax season.  He will return on Monday.  We sure miss you dear! Good luck this week! Thank you for all your hard work, it certainly doesn't go unnoticed.


  1. HEllo there binghams! I haven't commented in a bit, but wanted you to know that we still read the blog everyday and think and pray for you daily. It is so fun to see everyone together and out having fun.
    Cade has asked a few times to go to your house and play with Hunter, so when you get back this way we will have to have a play date and catch up :).
    You guys hang in there and have fun with all of your new adventures.
    Love from the Thompsons

  2. Dear Stacy and Jason. I thought this being the last big push to TAX DAY, and Jason having to be away from all of the family that maybe he could use some humor. ere are some accountant jokes!

    An accountant was reading nursery rhymes to his young child. When he finished, he answered his son’s question: "No, son. When Little Bo Peep lost her sheep that wouldn't be tax deductible — but I like your thinking.”

    An accountant goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot. The shop owner shows him three parrots on a perch and says, "The parrot on the left costs $500." "Why does that parrot cost so much?" asks the accountant. "Well," replies the owner, "it knows how to do complex audits." "How much does the middle parrot cost?" asks the accountant. "That one costs $1,000 because it can do everything the first one can do, plus it knows how to prepare financial forecasts." The startled accountant asks about the third parrot, to be told it costs $4,000. Needless to say, this begs the question, "What can it do?" to which the owner replies "To be honest, I've never seen him do a darn thing, but the other two call him Senior Partner."

    An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor. "Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night," he says. "Have you tried counting sheep?" inquires the doctor. "That's the problem — I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it."

    Continued love and prayers, Mike and Dale

  3. Stacy and Jas! What a rollercoaster of unexpecteds this past year has been. And I must say you have done an amazing job at keeping the faith and keeping your head above water. I admit transplant is the last word I want to hear right now other than referring to it past tense. I think of you everyday and pray you'll have the strength, peace and guidance you need as things day at a time.
    I love you all! Have a great night- Garrity

  4. Hey Guys!!! Long time no see!! I just wanted to say it was so great to see you those couple of times last week! I know it wasn't a great time for you guys but we loved spending some time together!! Sierra I can't believe how sweet cute smart and wonderful you are!! I loved talking at California Pizza Kitchen!!! Keep your head up!! Things will be ok as long as you believe they will!! Megan you are the coolest girl I know I can't believe your mad athletic skills keep it up!! Someday I want to watch you in College playing!! Utah State right? Hunter you crazy kid I don't think I have laughed so hard in my life!!! No more finger tricks and no more Cherries in people's drinks!!! Lindsey wow girl you are way to cute!! I can't believe how funny you are cute little pickles!! I have a joke for you!!! What is white and black. White and black. White and black. And green? Three zebras fighting over a pickle!!! Hahaha. Gage you cute little crazy boy!!! Knuckles to you!! Keep dancing in the streets hahaha!! And keep reading with mom!

    We are praying for you every night! Jason we are praying you survive tax season as well as everything else and Stacy we are praying you can keep up the crazy schedule!

    Love you guys!!! Xoxoxo the Ripps

  5. Hope today has gone well. Glad to know the cute little sassy Miss Lindsey Lou is starting to show more of her spirited self.... I miss that so much!! Jason hope this last week of the big push before the deadline goes well with as little of stress as possible.... is that even possible??!!?? Thinking of you all and praying often. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
