Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 34, The Zero Dance!

So to top it off, Lindsey got a zero on her biopsy. No rejection! That means we are doing the Zero Dance!  Lindsey was pretty excited about that. So now she has 2 weeks off, and Sierra and Lindsey will both have biopsies on Thursday the 4th of April. That will be interesting doing double duty.

For now Lindsey has clinic, psych and IV treatments once a week and physical therapy twice a week. So far everything is going well.

Tonight at the RMH they had a magician here. He was the same guy from about a month ago.  He did a lot of the same tricks and some new ones and I still have no idea how he pulled a dollar out of a green pepper and how he could cute the rope and make it all go back together again.  Some were the same ole tricks we have all seen but it was sure entertaining for the kids (and me).

 The magician. He really was fun to watch.
After the show he came over and did some tricks for the kids.

 The cannula sites are about healed.


  1. love it. When did Dusty Hill start doing magic tricks? And by the way, your girls are growing up!

  2. Woohoo!!! Zero dance!!!!! (Every time you say it, I think of the "Safety Dance" from our 80s days. (Okay, so maybe Stacy won't understand safety dance, but I know you do, Jason!) GREAT news!

  3. Excellent news....amazing, miracles, astonishing, unbelievable....incredible....so many words to describe all you guys have been through and all the blessings that have been received and what an inspiration you ALL are to the rest of us!!! Prayers continue for all things good!!

  4. That is super news. I was curious about the dollar in the green pepper so I googled it and I got nothing! I've never googled anything before and not had a response.

    Keep it all up!

  5. Never before has getting a zero on a test been such great news! Glad things are going well.

  6. Just..... YEEEEHAAAAWWWW!!

  7. Yippee skippy!!!! Awesome Miss Lindsey Lou :)
    loves to all of you xoxoxoxo
