Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 33, Lindsey's biopsy

Lindsey had blood draw and biopsy today. This biopsy was the annual study. This is where they go in through her leg and look at her coronary arteries, heart pressures, and rejection. The same test they will do on Sierra in 2 weeks.  Stacy was home with Gage running errands and catching up while I was with Linds.  Anyway around 11:30 I got the call that her biopsy was over and the doctor wanted to review the results with me.  I packed up my computer and walked to the waiting room. Pam told me to wait in the consultation room. Then waited about 15 minutes before Dr Pang came in. Understand, this was the first time we have been called to review the results of the biopsy. Usually they just say it is over, she did 'fine', and you can go back. So over the next 15 LONG minutes the 'what-if' demon showed up and my mind starts to wander. By the time Dr Pang came in, I had convinced myself that everything went wrong, her pressures were off the chart, she was in roaring rejection, and she was on the vent in the ICU.

Well, she just wanted to say, in person, that her pressures and coronary arteries were perfect, much improved from 10 days ago, and she did great! Well of course she did great. I took that 'what-if' demon, slammed him on the floor and jammed my heal into his head like a little field mouse in the spring. (Mind you field mice make a big mess in our fields back home in Oregon).

She was discharged around 4:30 and we went straight to Megan's basketball game.  As always, it was good to get her out of there, as much as we love the good attention she gets.

The rest of the week is dedicated to the IRS tax filing requirements I have been employed to perform.

Cute video clip from Dr Katz house on Sunday. 



  1. I am so so happy for you and your family. To be able to follow your journey to this point is nothing short of amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. I have been blessed to follow you

  2. Jason- you look like a giant in the picture with Dr Katz and families! Glad things are going well for the Bingham Seven!! Baker County is anxious to have you all home!
    Katie Lamb

  3. thanks for the wonderful update. it is no surprise many have shed tears through your low points but I can't help but have a few as I read about your family getting to do normal stuff..... all of you! God bless your amazing family! Love, the Hamann's

  4. Yeah!!!! So glad for the great news and sorry about that stinking demon. He does it to us all.
    And look! Sunshine!
