Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 36, Last game.

Everything is going well. Stacy is busy keeping up with Lindsey's biopsies, blood draws, medicine adjustments, clinic, physical therapy, psych, IV treatments school etc. Sounds like a lot, but most of this stuff is once or twice a week.  She is also keeping up with Sierra's IV treatments and dressing changes. 
Megan had her last basketball game tonight against Ralston.   It was a fun game to watch. It was a tied game at half, but Jordan pulled away at the end. Megan did good. She was playing against some really good players and they challenged her, it was good.
We have to remember when we leave at 5:00 to drive 6 miles, you need to give yourself about 50 minutes (not 30). She was suppost to be there at 5:30 and getting pretty wound up, but the previous game was running over so she wasn't late (thank goodness).
Lindsey had physical therapy and did well. Sierra has Rituximab IV treatment tomorrow. It is her 2nd treatment. This IV treatment is to kill the antibody producing cells in her blood. she handles it well, it just takes 8 hours. Lindsey has an appointment with the neurologist to follow up from her seizure she had in the CVICU.
Last night Stacy took the girls to church activities and I stayed home with the boys. We all had a good time.
We still don't take for granted the fact we can all get in the suburban and go for a drive. Lindsey still loves being out of the hospital.  Going to the game would have been really hard and not as enjoyable if our little princess couldn't be there.

Gage performing for his sister.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Bingham Seven!! Each of you contribute so much love and support to each other and that's what FAMILY is all about. Congrats Megan on a successful basketball season! It such a treat and blessing to read each blog and know that the whole family gets to participate on the outings. Keep striving forward as we continue to pray for each day to bring strength and renewed healthy futures. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
