Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 17, Day 3, Sunday morning, a new line

9:40 am
Stacy and I both slept very well (together) until 3:30 am when the usual call came. She was awake and wanting her Mommy. Stacy headed over and Sierra and I drifted back to sleep. At 8:00 Stacy called with the morning report. She has pee'd off about a liter and a half of fluid (around 3-4 lbs), still in and out of sleeping, and they needed to put in another chest tube. Given her drop in oxygen and breathing issues, they put in another tube to help drain fluid off around her lungs. The old cannula sites are still bleeding and oozing quite a bit. The only IV she is currently on is the IVIG for antibody rejection, that is standard for all kids with prior antibody issues.

Sierra and I are going to head over soon and Stacy will come back to shower (and rest?... probably not)  The other kids spent the night at the Blacks and Niccums. Thank you Liz and Gayle.

Stacy and I have read everyone of the comments and inspiring thoughts of encouragement. It is definitely a strength to us. I'm convinced, most parents and families out there would handle this situation similarly. We don't feel like we are doing anything special. We say our prayers, read scriptures, take care of our kids, 'try' not to freak out over the highs and lows, and just keep going.  We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father for the blessing and miracles in our lives, for the nurses and doctors that make that extra effort, for the people that has helped with our children, for the meals that have come, and the many prayers, thoughts, support and comments in our behalf.


  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing family and suca great example of strengh to us. Kelly KErns

  2. You guys really are amazing! Any parent in your situation would handle it the best way they could- but you are such a great example of handling unimaginable trials with love, faith, hope, and respect. I know I am incredibly grateful for your example!!

  3. Jason and Stacy, you are in our thoughts every minute of every day. It sounds like things are coming along just as they have told you. We are praying for your family, EVERYONE of them, you ALL need our prayers. Your girls are all pretty special and your boys are too. Just be sure to take care of YOU TWO... these kids needs both of you to be strong and healthy. Thanks you fro your up dates we check often and I mean often. Lots of love Jay and Bonnie

  4. I'm so glad she is continuing to improve. One step at a time.

    You and Stacy are such an example of EVERYTHING a parent should be. You face each trial head on. You strive to be strong for you children, you faith is unwavering and in the midst of these trials you find a way to laugh with your children and make happy memories. You are both AMAZING parents!!

    As always, thank you for the updates. We continue to pray for every member of your family and we love you all so much.

  5. Yeaaaa she pee'd!!!! I hope that is a start to good things!!!! I update your page throughout the day to see how your family, who are perfect strangers to me are doing! Although we are strangers who share a connection because I was raised in Baker...... Your family is a source in inspiration and hope to me. Last night, at dinner with friends I read your post transplant thought and was crying from the first sentence, although I had already read your beautiful words to myself, I felt compared to share. There wasn't a dry eye at the table and people close by had stopped THIER conversation to ease drop and hear such inspirations! You are not everyday people as you claim, you are every day heros! All of you! Stacy, you are an inspiring Mom I can only imagine how tired you must get and how long it's been since you have had time to do something for yourself other then shower an eat!!!!! Your love is such a testimony of God's love! Jason, the next time when you take the time to step out into the hallway to regroup please know that your are much much stronger then you realize and you are an amazing and talented father and husband! Your have such talent to share your story and I thank you for sharing the good, the bad, the personal, and the moments inbetween! I just wish I could do something to make your life easier..... Today, I pledge to go by a game of Sorry and take it to the local Children's Hospital/Ronald Mcdonald house in San Antonio, Texas...... Perhaps I can't do anything to make your life easier, but I will pass on your goodness and facilitate another family enjoying some joy through the hard times! God Bless You! Thank you!!!!

  6. It's been amazing to "share" this journey with you all -- I was thinking, technology has made this so different from when Sierra got her heart. You're an inspiration to so many, and I think no one knows how strong they really are until faced with adversity. Hang in there - the car tour guys from Nevada are really hoping to meet the Binghams when they come in June!
    -- Lisa Britton

  7. So glad to hear she is doing well, your family is always in my thoughts through out the day as always like to stop an check to see if there is any updates as I enjoy reading to see how all of you an your princess is doing. You have such a beautiful family an such great role models on how a family should have the love an support from each other like all of you have for each other. My family may not know all of you but love an think of all of you through out our day. We continue to send our love, thoughts, an prayers to you.

  8. Hi from the Oregon Coast. We are still praying for you all all throughout each day. Thank you so much for the updates. They help us to know how to pray specifically for each of you.

    I have been trying to pass this along, but keep running into road blocks, so I hope this gets to you. We normally follow the updates on Facebook, but the messages are not coming through. We got one message on Wednesday and none after that. I have been going to the blog. I hate to give you something more to deal with, but I know that there are over a thousand who follow you on Facebook and are not getting the updates. I'm hoping there is an easy fix for this so we will all know how to pray specifically. :)

  9. You and your family are in my thoughts. Although you are amazing parents, I agree that most parents would be doing what you are. When parents are faced with a sick child, they do what must be done. That's what my daughter and son-in-law did when their daughter had a heart transplant 10 months ago. As hard as it was, as frightening as it was, they were there for their bab. It's just what parents do.

  10. You have an amazing family and are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you so much for sharing this in your blog. We have been reading every morning since July and are honored to be "going through" this with you. Prayers.....

  11. You guys are incredible! I too happened upon you guys throughout this journey and can't help but hit refresh multiple times a day to see how things are progressing. Thanks for sharing this with everyone.

  12. I've watched Lindsey and your family pass by me on the 3rd Floor, every day, sometimes more than once, walking, chatting, listening to iTunes, all of it. Every time your kids walk by, it puts a smile on my face, and I am reminded, each time, how special Life and Family really is.

    I showed my 11 year old daughter, many of the pictures on your blog, and shared in more simpler terms what Lindsey has had to go through, as well as Sierra. After we browsed the newest pictures, post-transplant, my daughter said, "Her coloring looks good, I think she's got a good heart, and she'll be okay". Kids tell it like it is, don't they?

    You are the role-model parents I strive to be every day.

    Thank you and I promise to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. I've watched Lindsey and your family pass by me on the 3rd Floor, every day, sometimes more than once, walking, chatting, listening to iTunes, all of it. Every time your kids walk by, it puts a smile on my face, and I am reminded, each time, how special Life and Family really is.

    I showed my 11 year old daughter, many of the pictures on your blog, and shared in more simpler terms what Lindsey has had to go through, as well as Sierra. After we browsed the newest pictures, post-transplant, my daughter said, "Her coloring looks good, I think she's got a good heart, and she'll be okay". Kids tell it like it is, don't they?

    You are the role-model parents I strive to be every day.

    Thank you and I promise to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. You made the comment, "I'm convinced, most parents and families out there would handle this situation similarly. We don't feel like we are doing anything special." I think you are wrong on at least two accounts.

    First off, I know that there are many families that wouldn't handle the situation as you have. I have read blogs of people with sick children and have sensed their bitterness and despair. In your posts, there is faith and hope. Yes, at times, there is discouragement, but never bitterness OR despair. I think that is why so many draw strength from you.

    The other difference I see is that I am thoroughly convinced that the Lord will never give us more than he knows we can handle (not more than WE think we can handle, but that he KNOWS we can handle). Yes, other people have had a child in this situation. But your family is facing this trial in multiples. And that is because the Lord knows you can handle it (even if you, at times, think you cannot).

    Thank you for sharing your hope, faith and strength with so many. Your family is a bright light in an ever darkening world.

  15. Every evening and morning the first thing Colette asks me is how's Lindsey and Sierra? You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily. Let Lindsey know she is counting the days she can come see her again. Just say the word and we will be there. Also please let us know if we can do anything for you we are only 30 minutes south. May God continue to bless you and keep you striong. You are amazing. The Vance family

  16. One day at a time...sweet Jesus. I do wish sometimes God's timing was faster but I see steady progress in your reports and know that patience is key. Your princess has the face of an angel...and the fight of a lion! She will be up and around in no time. I pray for comfort for all of you and I believe and claim outloud that Sierra will be healed too. I Hope you can feel our hugs and our prayers.

  17. Wow, I bet that added quite abit of excitement and definitely mixed feelings and emotions when the gush of blood happened. I am pretty sure I would be more than a little concerned, but thankfully you have outstanding doctors. I have a funny story along the same lines with a nurse's reaction to gushing blood, but will save that one for later! :) I just can't believe how well little Miss Lindsey Lou is doing. Each time I check the blog over the last couple of days (which has been more than a few times as you can only imagine from the fun pic we sent from district ball...waiting with anticipation of good news) I am taken by how much better Lindsey looks in each set of pictures. The Tale of Lindsey Lou sailing the ocean blue...has happened and she will continue to get stronger and that party and celebration will be a big one when she returns. We are already talking about the big bowling day!!! We will be praying for the doctors today as they attack Sierra's situation, may they decide a treatment that will have an amazing outcome of positive results and may Sierra be as strong as ever throughout the process. She deserves this and needs this. Go doctors and nurses! We were busy playing AAU volleyball in Boise on Sat. and basketball tourney up in Ent. yesterday, so my "smart" phone has been overwhelmed with me checking the blog and facebook constantly and didn't like giving me the ability to post comments :(!!! The girls had some pretty big days of playing hard ball and are thankful today is an observed holiday as they are needing some rest! Hope Grandma Leslie has a great week with you guys...I know she is pretty excited! Keep going, doing, believing in all things, and trusting in the Heavenly Father. We love you and are encouraged more and more each day. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
    P.S. Love the picture of the boys and their hats! And the pictures of Megan and Sierra helping Lindsey are so sweet and priceless...perhaps a doctor or nurse in the making! :) They have such amazing compassion for another.
