Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feb 16, 11:30pm, On cpap. Wake Up!

We did get her up, and a large amount of blood came gushing out the cannula sites. Kinda gross! She was a bit dizzy, but that was her first time up. She was determined to get up, but by the time we got her into the chair, cleaned up, and settled, she fell back asleep. She has slept most of the day. Her oxygen saturation has dropped again requiring her to go back on cpap, a forced air mask. When she coughs, there is still quite a bit of blood. So basically she is not there yet.  Still needs to pee a whole bunch. They still think the sleeping is from the sedation given during surgery hanging around in the system. And the more she isn't moving around the more issues she is having with her lungs. When she is not wearing the cpap mask, her oxygen level drops quickly. Stacy is still cool as a cat, but I had to go on a few walks when they were doing bloody dressing changes or adjusting her oxygen. She will get there, it just takes time. We all want her to 'hurry up' and get back to 3 West.  Once she is on 3 West, we will have the ceremony to cut the chin hair, but not until she has a steady hand on 3 West.

  Sleep tight.


  1. Thank you for your posts. Through them I am learning how to be a better mother. I am learning what a family should be, and how much love there can be in a family. I pray for Lindsey every day, and now I am praying for Sierra too. May God bless you!

  2. She looks great! And you are right...she will get there, it just might take some time but she will do it. Hang in there! You all are in our thoughts everyday.


    Q: Why was Cinderella kicked off the soccer team?
    A: Because she always ran away from the ball!

    Q:Why was Cinderella no good at track?
    A:Because she kept losing her shoe and she had a pumkin for a coach

    Q: Why did Dopey take a box of crayons with him into the bedroom?
    A: Snow White asked him to draw the curtains.

    Q: Why does Snow White always treat each of the Seven Dwarfs equally?
    A: Because she's the fairest of them all.

    Continued Love and Prayers, Dale and Mike

  4. Thanks for the whisker info, thought I'd missed it! I'm headed to watch the North Powder Jr high girls play basketball in Enterprise. They have a tournament today (Sunday???). Pretty sure I will be thinking of you guys while rooting the girls on! We hope they win, especially for your girls!
    Hope you have a great day and more progress in Lindsey's waking up! Once again, may God keep blessing your family! M.

  5. Lindsey looks marvelous.....DAd...not so much! Lol! We're all waiting for those whiskers to come off! Hang in there! We're all rooting for all of you ,

  6. Hey Lindsey...your mask is identical to my Rylie's. You look pretty cute with it :). It was great to see the pics of you up playing sorry with your dad!!! Jason and guys are amazing...Lindsey will get there. It amazes me how great she looks with all her little body has been through! Love you guys and sending prayers your way!!!

  7. Have been following yer story all along. Have prayed for you all and still at it. I know God has His plan. May He continue to hold you all in His loving arms and give Sierra great news tomorrow, wake Lindsey up, give Megan strength thru all this, Gage to continue doing well, Hunter to continue "just being a boy", Jason & Stacy stay strong in their faith and ALL of you get back to N. Powder! God Bless Us All.

  8. From the Hymn #114, "Come Unto Him" the 2nd verse says: "When I am filled with strong desire and ask a boon of him, I see no miracle of living fire, But what I ask flows into me. And when the tempest rages high I feel no arm around me thrust, But every storm goes rollng by When I repose in him my trust." As I read these words and those of the other two verses I thought of all of you. What would we do if we didn't have the gospel, our Savior and a loving Heavenly Father and the peace that comes from them. 'So grateful for these mighty miracles that have taken place the past few days, and pray they will continue to happen for Sierra and Lindsey. 'Just love you all so much, and please know our prayers are with you constantly.

  9. No day at a time. Those lungs always seem to take the longest to get back into regular breathing routine after a long surgery. They will get there it just takes time. She looks so peaceful, perhaps a few good hours of comfortable sleep will be just the trick! Can't wait for the bigger ceremony for this winning family! Love you all....xoxoxoxo
