Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feb 16, Day 2, Saturday afternoon, the Check list

2:00 pm
As usual, it is never as bad as I get thinking it's going to be. She is awake a lot more today and we even played a game of Sorry. They are letting her have ice and she likes that. They had to put her on the high flow oxygen because of dropping O2 stats. But here is where she is at.
1)  They need her INR to be at or below 1.5 to remove the atrial line.
2)  To get it down they had to give her additional blood products, which is making her retain fluid, become very puffy, and hard to breath.
3)  Once this line is removed she can sit up, start moving around, and remove the foley.
4)  As she moves around, the kidney's 'should' kick in and her pee bucket 'should' start to fill.
5)  As the bucket fills, her puffiness will go down and the fluid in her lungs should go down.
6)  As her lungs improve, the need to high flow or any assisted breathing should go down.
7)  Also as the kidneys improve and the bucket fills, and anesthesia still in her system will be pee'd off.
8)  Then she will be awake more, filling better, moving around, and breathing comfortably on room air.
So there you go.  That's the plan for now.

Sierra went out to lunch with Jen Shek, one of her favorite nurse from 2006, and then to a rugby game with Nori. Megan had fun at PK's and the volleyball tournament, and is now here with Linds. Who knows where the boys are at, I think they are at either the Blacks, Norths, or Niccums. Actually I think Stacy knows but hasn't bothered telling me.  Angel (Ben's mom) is here with her friend for a visit. Ben was on the Berlin 6 years ago, so of course they have a lot to visit about.

(Hour later)
Just now Linds hit 1.6 on her INR which they say is close enough. At 4:00pm they will remove the artrial line that goes directly into the heart. Step #1 will be done, and we can move to #3.

(1/2 hour later)
The line is out, and just noticed that 6 of her 8 IV's are gone. This room is getting 'boring'.

Dr Katz Meada, her heart surgeon, here for a visit.
Next update will be her sitting in the chair!!


  1. Oh that is all amazing news. Sometimes, boring is GREAT!!!! I am so happy that she just continues to get better and better.

    Tell Lindsey my kiddos are pretty ruthless at SORRY and would love to come and play with her sometime. :).

    Continued prayers and as always, thank you so much for the updates!!!!

  2. Great news!! Thanks for the faithful updates. I know there are hundreds like me that check in many times a day :). We love you all! Love, Dave and Kellie Knowles family.

  3. Thanks so much for updating and glad to see Lindsey up. Its wonderful that you are blogging because when the years pass, you can come back and read your blog, and say WOW, we overcame so much.

    Thank you for sharing!!

    Take care,
    Nicole from Rosemead,CA

  4. Thanks for your updates..I'm always checking and following Lindsey's progress, as well as Sierra's...and thanks for posting pictures nice to see Lindsey sitting up more alert. My prayers continue to come your way. Looking forward to the next update.

  5. Wow! Simply stunning. I am amazed Lindsey is playing Sorry two days after receiving a heart transplant. The human body, it's spirit, resiliency, persistence and faith are truly tremendous, as you all are testimony to. I'm going to donate blood in honor of your girls, and others like them. You, and they! have inspired me. Peace me with you all.Cheri, Campbell, CA

  6. All the doctors you've talked about and shown seem so nice. It is good to see. Very good to see that Lindsey is progressing to the next step. Sweet dreams and restful sleep.


  7. What a love she is! The updates keep getting better and better. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work little lady!

  8. From your last post, it sounds like Megan could use a chuckle or two. These are for Megan (and anyone else who could stand a little silliness)

    Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    Oink oink.
    Oink oink who?
    Make up your mind, are you a pig or an owl?!

    Knock, Knock!
    Who's there?
    Spell who?
    OK, W_H_O.

    Knock, Knock!
    Who's there?
    Thermos who?
    Thermos be a better knock-knock joke than this.

    Knock, Knock!
    Who's there?
    Hawaii who?
    I'm fine. Hawaii you?

    continued Love and prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  9. What about the whiskers??? Did I miss it??? Glad things are progressing, helps to ease the anxiety a bit, I hope! Here's to continued progress! Have a great night! God bless, M.

  10. Jason, Your comments about Megan touched me. She reminds me of Jacob (who is her age). We have also had some tough struggles and heartache this past year. Nothing to compare to yours, but still struggles all the same. I realized that Jacob was taking a lot on himself. Jacob threw himself into every sport and into school. He made it a goal to exceed a state test. It took him three tries, but he did it. He was the catcher in baseball, the quarterback in football, and point guard in basketball. I came to realize that Jacob was trying to take away the pain his family was going through, by being extra good. I am not saying that Megan is doing that, but Jacob also threw himself into sports and school. He is also very sensitive and he breaks down and cries when things get to much for him. Megan is a wonderful little girl, I know she is strong. I hope you know that we pray for the strength of your whole family and keep them in our thoughts. Tonight, I will say a specific prayer for Megan. When you get home, I will bring Jacob to play a game of Basketball with her. :) They would probably enjoy each other's company. They have a lot of the same interests. I have had several comments about what a wonderful Dad you are. My friends here that follow your story are touched by your dedication, as they are touched by Stacy's strength. We love you all. Keep up the wonderful job you are doing. You are touching so many people, thank you for your strength. I just wish there was more I could do.
    Eva, Bob, Hannah, and Vaughan Boys.

  11. Very happy to read the update today. I just discovered your blog through a friend and am so moved by your family and all you have been/are going through. I am in awe! I spent hours. HOURS. Last night reading through the posts of the last year, trying to figure out how and when all this happened and was amazed at how swiftly your lives changed! I saw you had genetic testing done but then never saw a post that said the results. It was late. I may have not even known that I read it. Could you post a little about that? Why all 3!? If you have time- and nothing exciting to post about. (that'd be nice huh!)

    I am praying for Lindsey's recovery and for Sierra and Gage as well. For all of you! You have a heavy load to bear, but you know you don't carry it alone. I will continue to follow your journey!

    Huge hugs to you all from Indiana.
